1. O you who burden yourself with worry when
The specter of loss or a loved one's departure draws near,
١. يا ملزما نفسه همّا أطاف به
طيف الإضافة أو محبوبه نزحا
2. As long as you live healthy and sound, cease your seriousness -
Not every day calls for hoarding money and joy -
٢. ما دمت حيّا سليما فاسل عن جدة
ما كل يوم تقيد المال والفرحا
3. The day someone does you a good turn and you make peace with him,
He is the one who gained goodwill when you made peace.
٣. يوم أفادك إحسانا صلحت به
هو الذي نال إحسانا لما صلحا