1. The ghosts of yesterday still haunt us,
And today's challenge renews us,
١. أَطْيَاَفُ الأمْسِ تُـرَاوِدُنَا
وَتَحَدِّي اليَوْمَ يُجَـــــــدِّدُنَا
2. There were conquests that had insistence,
Rooted in the mind, swaying us,
٢. وفُتُوحٌ كَانَ لَـهَـا دَأَبٌ
رَسَخَت فِي الذِّهْنِ تُهَدْهِدُنِا
3. To light up the minarets of our mosque,
The sanctity of the free, and thus our cities,
٣. لِتُنِيرَ شَوَاهِدَ مَسْجِـــدِنَا
قَدُسَ الأَحْرَارِ، كَذَا مُــدُنَا
4. And Palestine has risen forever,
Alive in our hearts, embodying us,
٤. وَفِلِسْطِينُ انتَفَضَتْ أَبَدًا
تَحْــيَـا بِالقَلْـبِ تُجَسُّـــــدُنَا
5. The flock of martyrs, their doves,
Adorned with glory, garlanding us,
٥. سِرْبُ الشُّهَدَاءِ حَمَائِمُهُمْ
هَدَلَـتْ بالمجْــدِ تُقَلِّــــدُنَـا
6. We the cubs, hand in hand,
A guard, and victory confirming us,
٦. نَحْنُ الأَشْبَال يَـدًا بِيَـــدٍ
حَرَسٌ والنَّصْرُ يُؤكِّــــدُنَا
7. A spark of revelation reassuring us,
And the echo of Ascension guiding us,
٧. قَبَسُ التَّنْزِيلِ يُؤَمِّــنُــنَا
وَصَدَى الإسْرَاءِ سَـيُرْشِدُنَا
8. My Palestinian flag in my hand,
Still with your love witnessing us,
٨. أَفِلِسْطِينِي عَلَمِي بِيَـــدِي
مَا زَالَ بِحُــبِّكِ يُشْــهِدُنَا
9. We swear by God and our right,
We will restore glory uniting us,
٩. قَسَمًــا باللهِ وَحَــقَّ لَنَــــا
سَنُعِــيدُ المَجْدَ يُوَحِّـــــدُنَا
10. We will stir determination chanting it,
So we sing diaspora gladdening us,
١٠. سَنُثِيـرُ العَــزْمَ نُـغَــرِّدُهُ
فَنَشِيدُ الـغُرْبَةِ يُسْـعِـــــدُنَا
11. The utterance of Takbeer in our pouches,
As long as your pulse promises us,
١١. لَفْظُ التَّكْبِيرِ بِجُعْبَتِــــــنَـا
مَا دَامَ بِنَبْضِــكِ مَوْعِــدُنَا
12. With fervor we raise our flag,
Above the summits supporting us,
١٢. بَحَمَاسٍ نرْفَـعُ رَايَتَــــــنَا
فَـوْقَ الهَامَــاتِ تُــؤَيِّـــدُنَا
13. Al Aqsa you will remain with us,
And in the shade of your domes our observatory,
١٣. بَيْتُ الأقْصَى سَتَظَلُّ بِنَـا
وَبِظِلِّ قِبَابِــكَ مَرْصَـــدُنَا
14. With the minds of your men we are for it,
And God with His bounty extolling us.
١٤. بِعُقُولِ رِجَالِكَ نَحْـنُ لَـهَا
والله بِحَـــوْلِــهِ يُمْـــــدِدُنَا