1. If only our loved ones in the land of Hijaz
Treated us with promise and fulfillment
١. ليتَ أَحبابَنا بأرضِ الحجازِ
عامَلونا بالوعد والإنجازِ
2. Every good has passed to me from them
Except my connection, which has no permit
٢. كلُّ خيرٍ قد جازَ لي من لَدُنهم
غيرَ وَصلي فما له من جوازِ
3. Whenever their mention crossed my imagination
It shook me with yearning, what a shaking
٣. كلّما مرَّ ذِكرهم في خيالي
هزّني للّقاءِ أيّ اِهتزازِ
4. I was before their love humiliated
And today through them I'm in pride
٤. كنتُ مِن قبل حبّهم تِربَ ذلٍّ
وَأَنا اليوم منهم في اِعتزازِ
5. If there is loss for some people in passion
Then through my love for the Hashemites are my winnings
٥. إِن يَكُن بِالهوى لِقومٍ خسارٌ
فَبحبّي للهاشميِّ مفازي
6. The master of people, Mustafa the truth from every
For humanity, none can equal him
٦. سيّدُ الخلقِ مُصطفى الحقّ مِن كل
لِ البَرايا فَما له مِن موازي
7. The best of both worlds, most generous of creations
For him is the best of all and unique style
٧. أَفضلُ العالمين أكرمُ خلقِ ال
لَه خيرُ الورى وحيد الطرازُ
8. He came while disbelief was like an ostrich
It pounced on its head, pouncing of a falcon
٨. جاءَ والكفرُ كالنعامةِ فاِنقض
ضَ على رأسه اِنقضاضَ البازي
9. How much he rewarded the good doers, the best reward
And for those who did evil, he does not punish
٩. كَم جَزى المُحسنين خيرَ جزاءٍ
وَلِمَن قَد أساءَ ليس يُجازي
10. In him, none but his Master has any want
And to him are all the worlds in need
١٠. ليسَ فيهِ لغيرِ مَولاه عوزٌ
ولهُ العالمونُ في إعوازِ