
The best of lands, in height and livelihood

خير البلاد علا وعيشا

1. The best of lands, in height and livelihood
Is that which the Chosen One had walked

١. خيرُ البلاد علاً وعيشا
ما كانَ لِلمختار ممشى

2. The sun of existence, Muhammad
Despite the blind and the unseeing

٢. شمسُ الوجودِ محمّد
رَغماً على أعمى وأعشى

3. He journeyed by night to Jerusalem
That was engraved on the face of time

٣. للقدسِ سارَ بليلةٍ
كانَت بوجهِ الدهرِ نَقشا

4. To the Most High, over the seven heavens
Until he became a throne for the Throne

٤. فيها عَلى السبعِ العلا
حتّى غَدا للعرشِ عرشا

5. And saw God sanctified
Who gifted him secretly with what is not divulged

٥. وَرَأى الإله مقدّساً
فَحَباه سرّاً ليس يُفشى

6. He gave him five to govern
Fifty meek towards it and glad tidings

٦. أَولاهُ خمساً حُكمها
خَمسون هشّ لها وبشّا

7. And slackened the reins for Mecca
As if he had never laid out a bed

٧. وَثَنى العنانَ لمكّةٍ
فكأنّه لم يعدُ فرشا

8. So the discerning affirmed
With hearts that contained no deceit

٨. فَذوو البصائرِ صدّقوا
وَقُلوبُهم لم تحوِ غشّا

9. And the enemies recoiled from his light
And his discourse struck them blind and confused

٩. وَغَدا العِدا عن نورهِ
وَحَديثه عمياً وطُرشا

10. Despite his nearness to his Lord
He still hoped in Him and feared

١٠. مَعَ قربهِ من ربّهِ
ما زالَ يَرجوهُ ويَخشى