
I seek refuge in the protection of the Best of Allah's creation

أنا في حمى عائذ

1. I seek refuge in the protection of the Best of Allah's creation
The offspring of the glorious tribe of Hashim

١. أَنا في حِمى عائذ
وبخيرِ خلق اللَّه لائِذ

2. The origin of existence is Muhammad
The branch of the mighty, towering tree

٢. أصل الوجودِ محمّدٍ
فرعِ الجحاجحةِ الجهابِذ

3. The best of all creation
The one whose intercession will be accepted on the Day of Judgement

٣. خيرِ البريّة كلّها
مَن جاههُ في الحشرِ نافِذ

4. The Lord of intercession, the Pool, and penetrating words
He gathered all perfection, so he has no faults

٤. ربُّ الشفاعةِ واللِوا
وَالحوضِ والكلمِ النوافِذ

5. He kept his promises, even to those who broke them
O you who are attracted to his love

٥. جَمَعَ الكمالَ فما لشا
نيهِ إِلى عيبٍ منافِذ

6. With hearts stronger than metal chains
Hold fast to his guidance with your teeth

٦. حفظَ العهودَ وإنّه
لِلعهدِ ممّن خان نابِذ

7. And bite down on it with determination
His family and companions are our refuge

٧. يا مَن لجاذبِ حبّه
بقلوبِهم أَقوى جوابِذ

8. From going astray into misguidance
I profess my love for them

٨. بِشَذا هداهُ تمسّكوا
عضّوا عليه بالنواجِذ

9. And reject their enemies for eternity

٩. وَالآلُ والصحبُ الهدا
ةُ منَ الضلالِ لنا معاوِذ