
They claimed I loved Hind and Mayya

زعموني أحب هندا وميا

1. They claimed I loved Hind and Mayya
The claimants have come up with something fantastic

١. زَعَموني أحبُّ هنداً وميّا
قَد أتى الزاعمونَ شيئاً فريّا

2. Neither Hind nor Mayya have a share
In the heart of a man who loved the Prophet

٢. ما لِهندٍ ولا لميٍّ نصيبٌ
في فؤادِ اِمرئٍ أحبّ النبيّا

3. Mustafa, whom Allah chose from all of mankind
His beloved, the Qurayshi

٣. مُصطفى اللَّه مِن جميع البرايا
مُجتباهُ حبيبهُ القرشيّا

4. The sun of his virtue shone, so
Everyone who was not foolish or misguided saw it

٤. أشرَقت شمسُ فضله فرآها
كلُّ مَن لم يكن غبيّاً غويّا

5. He came while people had lost the guidance of Allah
So he guided them to the straight path

٥. جاءَ والناسُ عن هُدى اللَّه ضلّوا
فَهداهم له الصراطَ السويّا

6. He established proof among them, speech that
Either has it or not, the honorable and glorious sword

٦. قد أقامَ الدليلَ فيهم كلام ال
لَهِ أَو لا فالصارمَ المشرفيّا

7. The sweetness of his guidance appealed to all people
And he climbed high on the Throne

٧. راقَ للعالمينَ عذب هداهُ
وَعَلى العرشِ قد أناف رقيّا

8. How great he was among people on earth yet
None but him attained complete and perfect virtue

٨. كَم عظيمٍ بينَ الورى اِمتاز لكن
لَم يحُز غيره الكمالَ الوفيّا

9. So bless him, O Lord, with a prayer
That combines all merit and leaves out nothing

٩. فَعَليه يا ربّ صلّ صلاة
تجمعُ الفضلَ لا تغادر شيّا

10. And pardon me through him and bless my life
And make my end with him a fragrant musk

١٠. وَاِعفُ عنّي بهِ وبارِك بعمري
وَاِجعلِ الختمَ فيه مِسكاً ذكيّا