
God favored the best of creation first

فضل الله سيد الخلق قدما

1. God favored the best of creation first
And granted him the honor of being chosen

١. فضّلَ اللّه سيّد الخلقِ قدماً
وَأَتاه مِن فضلهِ الإصطفاءُ

2. He endowed him with the highest virtues
Among them the Night Journey and Ascension

٢. وَلَقد خصّه بِأعلى المَزايا ال
غرّ مِنها المعراج والإسراءُ

3. When He sent Gibreel to him with Al-Buraq
As an ambassador none can match as envoys

٣. إِذ لهُ بِالبراقِ أرسل جِبري
لَ سَفيراً ما مثله سفراءُ

4. He said your Lord calls you inviting
You to Him, what a blessed call!

٤. فَأَتاهُ فقالَ مولاكَ يَدعو
كَ إِليهِ وَحبّهذا الدعاءُ

5. He said mount it, so he mounted but
Al-Buraq shied in refusal

٥. قالَ فاِركب فجاءَ يركبُ لكن
قَد تَبدّى منَ البراق إباءُ

6. Gabriel said to Muhammad the Elect
Are you not shy? Where is your modesty?

٦. قالَ جبريلُ مَع محمّدٍ المخ
تارِ تَأبى أَما لديك حياءُ

7. He is the most noble of creations none
Like him rode you before out of all the generous

٧. إنّه أكرمُ البريّة لَم يَر
كبكَ مِن قبلُ مثلهُ كرماءُ

8. So Al-Buraq obeyed and sweat dripped from him
When shyness enveloped him

٨. فَأطاعَ البراقُ واِرفضّ منهُ
عَرقٌ حين عمّه اِستحياءُ

9. The full moon took him, the most perfect, Father of Al-Qasim
At night to the spacious heavenly horizon

٩. فَعَلاه البدرُ التمامُ أبو القا
سمِ لَيلاً فضاء منه الفضاءُ

10. It dove with him alone, the edge of sight
From it to his steps the edge

١٠. راحَ يَهوي بهِ وحدُّ اِنتهاءِ الط
طرفِ منهُ إِلى خُطاه اِنتهاءُ

11. He passed by Mount Sinai and Moses and Jesus
And Elijah was honored by his coming

١١. مرّ في طَيبةٍ وَموسى وعيسى
وَلَقد شُرِّفت به إيلياءُ

12. Then he led the prophets in prayer as imam
And through him all gained prestige in following

١٢. ثمّ صلّى بِالأنبياءِ إِماماً
وَبهِ شرّفَ الجميعَ اِقتداءُ

13. He went on rising to the highest horizon
Where sublimity, the sublime ones are

١٣. وَمَضى سارِياً إلى الأفقِ الأع
لى وَحيثُ العلا وحيث العلاءُ

14. The prophets raced to the heavens to
Then receive him when he arrives

١٤. سَبَقته إِلى السمواتِ كَيما
ثمَّ تُجري اِستقباله الأنبياءُ

15. Above them like a daytime sun
The heavens disclosed him after heaven

١٥. فَعَلى فوقَها كشمسِ نهارٍ
أَطلَعته بعدَ السماء سماءُ

16. The messengers welcomed the Beloved and all
In him were either fatherhood or brotherhood

١٦. رَحّبَ الرسلُ بالحبيبِ وكلّ
فيهِ إمّا أبوّةٌ أو إخاءُ

17. All the spheres and what they contained
Boasted and the brilliance in them increased

١٧. وَجميعُ الأفلاكِ مَع ما حوتهُ
قَد تَباهت وزادَ فيها البهاءُ

18. The trusted ambassador, the best companion
Did not leave him and so did the comrades

١٨. وَالسفيرُ الأمينُ خيرُ رفيقٍ
لَم يُفارِق وَهكذا الرفقاءُ

19. When the arrival was blessed he said To bliss
If only I went first and met my demise

١٩. قالَ لمّا طابَ الوصول لِطوبى
لَو تقدّمتُ حلّ فيّ الفناءُ

20. Go happily and remember my need there
O intercessor the intercessors need

٢٠. سِر هَنيئاً واِذكر هناكَ اِحتياجي
يا شَفيعاً تحتاجهُ الشفَعاءُ

21. Through him he was drowned in brilliance and light
To where all creation is behind

٢١. وَبهِ زُجَّ في البهاءِ وفي النو
رِ إِلى حيثُ كلّ خلقٍ وراءُ

22. He saw God without how and likeness
No place for Him and no time

٢٢. وَرَأى اللَّهَ لا بكمٍّ وكيفٍ
لا مكانٌ له ولا آناءُ

23. To Him above the heavens and below the earth
The Throne and the ground equal

٢٣. فَلديهِ فوقَ السماءِ وتحتَ ال
أرضِ وَالعرشُ الحضيض سواءُ

24. Upon him He poured generosity pouring
And from Him he received the highest favors

٢٤. وعليهِ صبَّ المكارمِ صبّاً
وَلهُ منه جلّتِ الآلاءُ

25. He quenched his thirst from His sweet sea with secrets
Through which his satiation lasts

٢٥. وَسَقاهُ مِن بحرهِ العذبِ أسرا
رَ علومٍ بها يدوم اِرتواءُ

26. No prophet, messenger, or angel knows
The abundant gifts, most abundant gifts

٢٦. لا نَبيٌّ ولا رسولٌ ولا الأم
لاكُ تَدري العطاءَ جلّ العطاءُ

27. God blessed him with the five prayers
Completing the favors

٢٧. أَنعمَ اللَّه بِالصلاةِ وبالخم
سينَ خَمساً فتمّت النعماءُ

28. Then the honored guest went back to the people
His righteousness and love increased

٢٨. ثمّ عادَ الضيفُ الكريمُ إلى الأَه
لِ وَقَد زادَ برّه والحباءُ

29. He came back before dawn, so some people
In Mecca doubted, miserable ones

٢٩. عادَ قبلَ الصباحِ فاِرتابَ في مك
كَة قَومٌ من قومه بلداءُ

30. They exaggerated the matter though it is
A great feat none can match its greatness

٣٠. أَعظَموا الأمرَ وهوَ فعلُ عظيمٍ
لَم تشابهِ صفاته العظماءُ

31. Exalted in rank, for Him creations
Are as motes contained in the horizon

٣١. جلَّ قَدراً فالكائناتُ لديهِ
حُكمُها ذرّةٌ حواها الفضاءُ

32. He gave the Prophet in a night
After it his daybreak and before evening

٣٢. جادَ ما جادَ للنبيِّ بليلٍ
بَعدهُ صبحهُ وقبلُ المساءُ

33. If the Almighty willed, it would be in a blink
All this and Ascension wouldn't have happened

٣٣. لَو أرادَ القديرُ كانَ بِلحظٍ
كلُّ هَذا ولم يكن إسراءُ