1. He saw praising the best of creation as difficult, so he hesitated
And the lights of meanings led him, so he proceeded
١. رَأى مدحَ خيرِ الخلقِ صَعباً فَأَحجما
وَقادتهُ أنوارُ المَعاني فأَقدما
2. His full moon appeared and the universe frowned, gloomy
So he diffused the light of guidance, and it smiled
٢. بَدا بدرهُ والكونُ يعبسُ مُظلما
فبثَّ بهِ نورَ الهدى فتبسّما
3. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
His light the Creator distinguished before the worlds
٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
بَرا نورَهُ الخلّاق قبل العوالمِ
4. And He informed him before the clay of Adam
And interceded through him for every sinner
٤. ونبّأهُ مِن قبلِ طينة آدمِ
وَشفّعهُ فيهِ وَفي كلِّ آثم
5. And made him an authority in His kingdom, so he took control
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٥. وَحكّمهُ في ملكهِ فتحكّما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
And the existence itself was from His light
٦. وَمِن نورهِ كانَ الوجودُ بأسرهِ
وَلولاهُ ما بانَت حقيقة سرّهِ
7. Without it, the reality of His secret would not have appeared
And it would have remained folded in the world of His command
٧. وَما زالَ مطويّاً بعالمِ أمرهِ
وَلكِن عليهِ الحقُّ بالخلقِ أنعما
8. But the Truth favored creation with it, illuminated
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٨. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
أَبو الناسِ طرّاً أعرفُ الناسِ أرفعُ
9. The people's father, most noble of people, most high
Father of all this creation, whose grace is most ample
٩. أبو كلِّ هَذا الخلقِ والفضل أوسعُ
وَلا عَملٌ واللَّه للَّه يرفعُ
10. No deed rises to God, by Allah, unless
It was through his door, having gone ahead
١٠. إِذا لَم يكُن من بابه قد تقدّما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
11. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
Foremost of all prophets, the seal of them
١١. مُقدّم كلِّ الأنبياءِ خِتامهم
معوَّلُهم في المعضلات إمامهُم
12. Their reliance in dilemmas, their imam
So no excellence poured its share upon them
١٢. فَلا فضلَ جلّت فيه حظّاً سهامُهم
على الخلقِ إلّا سهمهُ كان أعظما
13. Among the people except his arrow was greatest
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
١٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
محمّدٌ المختارُ من آل هاشم
14. Muhammad, the Chosen One from the Family of Hashim
And from all the children of Adam on earth
١٤. وَمِن كلّ أهلِ الأرض أولاد آدمِ
وَأهلِ السما طرّاً وكلّ العوالمِ
15. And the inhabitants of the heavens, most noble of all worlds
So no likeness to him was created, neither on earth nor in heaven
١٥. فَما مثلهُ خلقٌ بأرضٍ ولا سما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
16. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
The ancient books were honored with his name
١٦. تَشرّفتِ الكتبُ القديمةُ باِسمهِ
وَوصفِ مَزاياه وإظهار حكمهِ
17. And the description of his virtues and manifestation of his rule
Yes, they were from his father and mother
١٧. نَعَم هيَ كانت من أبيه وأمّهِ
بِأوصافهِ العلياء أدرى وأعلما
18. With his sublime traits, more knowing and aware
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
١٨. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
تَناقلهُ الأخيارُ من عهد آدم
19. The righteous passed him on from the era of Adam
The generous of the earth, through the pure and prestigious
١٩. كرامُ الورى في الطاهرات الكرائمِ
بكلِّ نكاحٍ من صحيحٍ ولازم
20. With every valid and binding marriage
And they did not commit therein any forbidden adultery
٢٠. وَما اِقترفوا فيه سفاحاً محرّما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
21. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
God honored the ancestors with his secret
٢١. لَقَد شرّف اللَّه الجدودَ بسرّهِ
بُطوناً ظهوراً والوجودَ بأسرهِ
22. Wombs, backs, and all of existence
Begotten from the sun of perfection and its full moon
٢٢. تَولَّد مِن شمسِ الكمال وبدرهِ
فحلَّ بِهذا الكون نوراً مجسّما
23. So he filled this universe with embodied light
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٢٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
وَكَم مُعجزاتٍ أعجزَ الخلقَ دحضُها
24. And how many miracles that dazzled creation in their inimitability
The heavens and earth obeyed, displaying them
٢٤. أَطاعَت فأبدَتها سَماها وأرضُها
بِليلةِ ميلادٍ له كانَ بعضُها
25. On the night of his birth, some of them occurred
And after it, some followed, and some preceded
٢٥. ومِن بعدها بعضٌ وبعضٌ تقدّما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
26. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
Ask the elephants about this commotion that took place
٢٦. سَلِ الفيلَ ما هذا الحرانُ الّذي جرى
أَرادوا لهُ التقديمَ وهو تأخّرا
27. They intended to go first but were delayed
Was it witnessing the light of the Chosen that it saw?
٢٧. أَكانَ لنورِ المصطفى شاهداً يرى
وَتضليلُ كيدِ الجندِ كان لهم عَمى
28. And the misleading of the army's deceit caused them blindness
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٢٨. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
وَمِن أَين جاءَتهم طيورٌ أبابيل
29. And where did the Ababil birds come to them from?
Pelting them with fiery stones, all were killed
٢٩. رَمَتهم بسجّيلٍ بهِ الكلُّ مقتولُ
أَكانَ دَعاها حين عصيانهِ الفيلُ
30. Did he supplicate them when the elephants disobeyed?
Upon them, so they responded, one after another and in pairs
٣٠. عَليهم فلبّتهُ فُرادى وتَوأَما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
31. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
And on the night of birth, the shooting stars of planets
٣١. وَفي ليلةِ الميلادِ شهبُ الكواكبِ
دَنَت وتدلّت كالسهام الثواقبِ
32. Drew near and dangled like piercing arrows
And the idols everywhere were inverted
٣٢. وَنُكّست الأصنامُ من كلِّ جانب
وَقَد أعظَمت في وقتهِ أن تعظّما
33. And they greatly revered at that time, glorified
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٣٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
أَضاءَت قصورُ الشامِ مِن ضوء نورهِ
34. The palaces of Syria lit up from the glow of his light
So the Meccan saw it from amidst his homes
٣٤. فأبصَرها المكّيُّ من وسط دورهِ
وَقَد فُتحَت في قربِ عهد وزيرهِ
35. For it had opened near the era of his vizier
So the faith quicker came to be everlasting
٣٥. فَكانَ إِليه الدينُ أسرعَ أدوَما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
36. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
And that light extinguished the fire of Persia
٣٦. وَأَطفأَ ذاكَ النورُ ناراً لفارس
فَكَم عابدٍ أبكته عبرة قابسِ
37. So how many worshippers cried with the tears of monks?
Their confusion became the tears of churches
٣٧. بُحيرتُهم صارَت دموع الأراجسِ
وَمِن بعدهِ أبكاهمُ صبحهُ الدما
38. And after it, the dawn made them weep blood
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٣٨. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
وَإِيوانُ كِسرى قَد هوت شرفاتهُ
39. And Kisra's palace, its balconies collapsed
And its owner's life passed with misery
٣٩. وَصاحبهُ بالشقّ مرّت حياتهُ
وَسارَت برُؤيا الموبذانِ رواتهُ
40. And the dream's narration of the Mobadhan went around
Ecstatic with tidings of the Hashimi, chanting songs
٤٠. سَطيحٌ بِبُشرى الهاشميِّ ترنّما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
41. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
And his full moon in the cradle spoke to him
٤١. وَناغاهُ بدرُ التمِّ وهو بمهدهِ
لِيقبسَ نوراً ذاكراً حسن عهدهِ
42. To glean light, remembering his good era
And later called him from the horizon of his fortune
٤٢. وَمِن بعدُ قَد ناداهُ من أفق سعدهِ
وَقالَ اِنقَسم قِسمين خرَّ مُقسّما
43. And said: I have split into two halves, collapse!
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٤٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
حَليمةُ سَعدٍ ضاعفَ اللَّه برّها
44. Halimah Sa'd, God multiplied her righteousness
When she watered the pearl of the universe, her pearl
٤٤. عَلى حينِ تسقي درّة الكونِ درَّها
وَقَد شاهدَت منهُ نماءً فَسرّها
45. And she witnessed growth in him, which gladdened her
A day like a month, and he like a year, he grew
٤٥. فيومٌ كشهرٍ وهو كالعام قد نَما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
46. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
And he lived an orphan from his father and mother
٤٦. وَعاشَ يتيماً مِن أبيه وأمّهِ
لَدى جدّهِ حتّى مضى فلعمّهِ
47. With his grandfather until his uncle passed
And God's kindness always poured its arrow upon him
٤٧. وَما زالَ لطفُ اللَّه أوفر سهمهِ
إِلى أَن نَشا فيهم عَزيزاً مُكرّما
48. Until he grew amongst them as a dear noble
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٤٨. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
وَما شاركَ الأقوامَ حيناً بأمرِهم
49. And he never participated with the people in their matter
Nor one day walked in the frivolities of their ways
٤٩. وَلا سارَ يَوماً في الملاهي بسيرهِم
وَلَم يَرضَ فيما هُم عليه بكفرهِم
50. And did not accept what they were upon in their disbelief
And he was called amongst them the Trustworthy Arbitrator
٥٠. وَكانَ بِهم يُدعى الأمينُ المُحكّما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
51. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
And when God wanted to manifest His religion
٥١. وَلمّا أرادَ اللَّهُ إظهارَ دينهِ
وَكشفُ المخبّا من خبايا شؤونهِ
52. And reveal the unknown from the secrets of its affairs
He granted him the knowledge of messengers in his forty
٥٢. حَباهُ علومَ الرسلِ في أربعينهِ
وَجبريلهُ كانَ السفيرَ المعلّما
53. And Gabriel was his learned mentor
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٥٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
تخيّرُه الرحمنُ مِن كلّ ناطق
54. The Most Merciful selected him from all speakers
And sent him most pious of all creatures
٥٤. وَأرسلهُ طرّاً لكلّ الخلائقِ
وَأولاهُ علماً في جميع الحقائقِ
55. And endowed him with knowledge in all realities
So he became the imam of messengers, foremost
٥٥. فكانَ عَلى الرسلِ الإمامَ المُقدّما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
56. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
And how the obstinate devil obeyed him through the jealous
٥٦. وَكَم طاوعَ الشيطانَ فيهِ حواسد
عليهِ لَهُم مِن كلّ شيءٍ شواهدُ
57. For him, they had evidence in everything
But the most wretched of people, lost and stubborn
٥٧. وَلكنّ أَشقى الناسِ غاوٍ معاند
رَأى نورَ طه ثمّ ما زال مُجرِما
58. Saw the light of Taha but still persisted in sin
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٥٨. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
أَتى وَظلامُ الشركِ في الناسِ حالك
59. He came while the darkness of polytheism overwhelmed the people
And its devil was a partner in every religion
٥٩. وَشيطانهُ في كلّ دين مشاركُ
وَفي كلِّ قلبٍ للظلامِ مبارك
60. And in every heart encouraging the darkness
So he clarified with the light of truth what was gloomy
٦٠. فَجلّى بنورِ الحقِّ ما كانَ مُظلِما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
61. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
Some were worshipping the celestial stars
٦١. فَبعضٌ أصلّتهُ النجومُ الطوالعُ
وَبعضٌ لأصنامِ الغواية راكعُ
62. Others bowing to the idols of misguidance
And some submitting to the trees of deviation
٦٢. وَبعضٌ لأشجارِ الضلالة خاضعُ
هداهُم فَصاروا أعقلَ الناس أفهما
63. He guided them, so they became the wisest and most understanding of people
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٦٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
فَلا عزَّ للعُزّى ولا لِمناتِهم
64. So Lat and Manat have no power
Their worshipping cannot save them from the eagle's assault
٦٤. يغوث يعوق النسرَ إهلاكُ لاتهِم
عَلا دينُهم بالرغم عن سرواتهِم
65. His religion triumphed despite their aversion
And demolished it from its foundation, so it collapsed
٦٥. وَهدّمهُ مِن أصلهِ فَتهدّما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
66. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
And every misguided elder opposed him
٦٦. وَعاداهُ مِنهم كلّ شيخٍ مضلّل
عليهِ لأهلِ الشرك كلّ معوّلِ
67. The disbelievers relied upon each of them
They surely advanced in war against the best messenger
٦٧. لَقَد أَقدَموا في حربِ أفضل مرسل
فَما زادهُ الإقدامُ إلّا تقدّما
68. But their audacity only increased his success
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٦٨. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
عليهِ على حكمِ الضلالِ تعصّبوا
69. They were stubbornly prejudiced against him
And from every cruel way plotted against his harm
٦٩. وَمِن كلِّ أوبٍ في أذاه تألّبوا
قَدِ اِجتَمعوا في كُفرِهم وتحزّبوا
70. They gathered in their disbelief and partisanship
So He destroyed some of the people and others submitted
٧٠. فَأهلكَ بعضَ القوم والبعضُ أسلما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
71. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
And how many heads came time for their harvest
٧١. وَكَم مِن رؤوسٍ حانَ وقتُ حَصادها
سَعَت ضدّهُ مِن جهلها بِمعادها
72. They opposed him in ignorance of their return
So after despairing of guiding them, he fought
٧٢. فَحارَبها مِن بعدِ يأسِ رَشادها
وَأَوصلَها بالسيفِ قطعاً جهنّما
73. And dispatched them by the sword, destined for Hell
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٧٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
وَأَولاهُ مَولاهُ كرامَ أصاحب
74. And his Master granted him noble companions
Chosen from his people and foreigners
٧٤. تخيّرهم مِن قومهِ والأجانبِ
أَطاعوهُ حتّى في حروبِ الأقاربِ
75. They obeyed him even in the wars of relatives
So they never spared therein a deviant father or son
٧٥. فَما سالَموا منهم أباً ضلّ واِبنَما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
76. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
He called them, they responded one by one
٧٦. دَعاهُم أَجابوا واحِداً بعد واحدِ
عَلى خيفةٍ مِن شرِّ كلِّ معاندِ
77. Fearful of the harm of every obstinate
Keep apart with them from the few in temples
٧٧. تنحّى بِهم مِن قلّةٍ في المعابدِ
وَزادوا فَصاروا بعدُ جَيشاً عَرَمرما
78. And they increased, becoming an army of great numbers
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٧٨. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
بِهِم أيّدَ الجبّارُ في الأرض دينهُ
79. With them, the Almighty supported His religion
Honored His Chosen and Trustworthy
٧٩. أعزَّ بِهم مختارهُ وأمينهُ
فَلَم يَبرَحوا في أمرهِ يتبعونهُ
80. They never ceased following His command
If He willed something, it was a destined matter
٨٠. إِذا شاءَ شيئاً كان أمراً مُحتّما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
81. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
Among them, his ancestral clan, each a hero
٨١. فَمِنهم بَنو أجدادهِ كلُّ باسل
خَبيرٍ بأحوالِ الوغا غير ناكلِ
82. Experienced with situations of war, undaunting
Seen with him in battle wearing armor
٨٢. يُرى معهُ في الحربِ في زيِّ راجلِ
وَأنتَ إِذا حقَّقت أبصرتَ ضَيغما
83. And you, when you verify, will see excellence
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٨٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
لَقَد هجَروا مِن أجلهِ الدارَ والأهلا
84. They abandoned for his sake homes and family
And severed in their love of him sorrow and plain
٨٤. وَقَد قَطعوا في حبّهِ الحَزنَ وَالسهلا
وَقَد لبِسوا العرفانَ إِذ خَلعوا الجَهلا
85. And wore cognizance after removing ignorance
Becoming thereby the most guided of creation, most learned
٨٥. وَصاروا بهِ أَهدى البريّة أَعلما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
86. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
And his Ansari supporters, the best supporters
٨٦. وَأَنصارهُ الأبطالُ أفضلُ أنصار
جَبانُهم في الحربِ كالأسدِ الضاري
87. Their cowards in war like roaring lions
They obeyed him with their souls, wealth, and homes
٨٧. أَطاعوهُ بالأرواحِ والمال والدارِ
فَروحي فِداهم ما أعزَّ وأكرما
88. May my soul be sacrificed for them, most honorable and generous
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٨٨. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
وَلا تَنسَ صَحباً مِن هُنا وهنالكا
89. And do not forget companions from here and there
Who obeyed him, battled for his pleasure
٨٩. أطاعوهُ خاضوا في رضاهُ المَعاركا
وَمِنهم مَوالٍ ثمّ عادوا موالكا
90. Among them, clients who then became loyal
Through Ahmad, they attained honor and eminence
٩٠. بأحمدَ نالوا العزّ فذّاً وتوأما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
91. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
His companions are all truthful and virtuous
٩١. صحابتهُ كلٌّ عدولٌ أفاضلُ
وَما منهمُ إلّا بهِ الفضل كاملُ
92. And none among them but by him virtues are complete
Our imams no matter who the ignorant denounces
٩٢. أئمّتَنا مَهما نَفى الحقّ جاهلُ
هَداهُم فكانوا في سما الدينِ أنجُما
93. He guided them, so they became stars in the sky of faith
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٩٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
لَقَد جاهَدوا في اللَّه حقّ جهادهِ
94. They strove in God's cause with a true striving
And by the sword opened most of His lands
٩٤. وَقَد فتَحوا بالسيف جلَّ بلادهِ
ودينَ الحِجازي عمّموا في عبادهِ
95. And universalized the faith of the Hejazi amongst His servants
Without them, the religion would not have exceeded Mecca
٩٥. وَلولاهمُ ما جاوزَ الدين زمزما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
96. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
Especially the Truthful and the second Opener
٩٦. وَلا سيّما الصدّيقُ وَالفاتح الثاني
عليٌّ أبو الأشراف من بعد عثمانِ
97. Ali, Abu al-Sharaf after Uthman
Upon them and all the companions, the best of pleasure
٩٧. عَليهم وكلِّ الصحبِ أفضلُ رضوانِ
فَقَد خَدموا المُختارَ حيّاً وبعدما
98. For they served the Chosen, alive and after
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
٩٨. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
وَيا حبّذا الأطهارَ آل محمّد
99. And O excellence of the pure Family of Muhammad
And most generous with the Prophet's wives, glorify
٩٩. وأكرِم بِزوجات النبيِّ ومجّدِ
حَوَت بنتهُ الزهراءُ أفضل سؤدد
100. His daughter Fatima housed the best of them
She surpassed the wives, most noble like Maryam
١٠٠. بهِ فاقتِ الزوجات طرّاً ومريَما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
101. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
And her children until the Day of Judgment are the best
١٠١. وَأَبناؤُها حتّى القيامة أفضلُ
منَ الناس طرّاً لا نبيٌّ ومرسلُ
102. Of people, most pious, no prophet or messenger
For they are a part of the Chosen, who prefers
١٠٢. فهُم بضعةٌ للمصطفى من يفضّلُ
سِواها غَدا بالجهلِ لا العلمِ معلما
103. Otherwise, he persists tomorrow in ignorance, not knowledge
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
١٠٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
وَطهّرهم مِن كلّ رجسٍ مطهّرُ
104. And He purified them from every impurity, the Purifier
He is God, so understand, the Guardian is more knowing
١٠٤. هو اللَّه فاِفهم فالمُهيمن أخبرُ
وَعَن جدّهم جاءَ الحديث يبشّرُ
105. And the hadeeth came from their grandfather giving good news
While Fatima sheltered him, forbidden
١٠٥. وَفاطمةٌ قَد أَحصنتهُ فحرّما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
106. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
And the rest of the Prophet's wives are prestigious
١٠٦. وَسائرُ زوجاتِ النبيّ كرائمُ
عليهنَّ رضوانُ المهيمن دائمُ
107. Upon them is the Most Merciful's pleasure, everlasting
They have the precedence over women, and it is lasting
١٠٧. فَضلنَ النِسا والفضل فيهنَّ لازمُ
وَكُنّ لديهِ أقربَ الناس ألزما
108. And they were closest to him, most intimate
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
١٠٨. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
مَواليه كلٌّ منهمُ سادَ قومهُ
109. His clients, each of them surpassed his people
And the Chosen made them like family in his judgment
١٠٩. وَقَد جعلَ المختارُ كالأهل حكمهُ
فَلا غروَ أَن خلّى أباهُ وعمّه
110. So no wonder he deserted his father and uncle
And his Master Zaid came to him in loyalty
١١٠. وَجاءَ له مولاه زيدٌ قد اِنتمى
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
111. Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
His maidservants and manservants upon them
١١١. خَوادمهُ والخادمونُ عليهمُ
سَلامٌ منَ الرحمنِ يسري إليهمُ
112. Greetings from the Most Merciful flow to them
For serving him was a pride for them
١١٢. فَخِدمتهُ كانت فخاراً لديهمُ
وَقَد كانَ حسّادهم أنجمُ السما
113. While his enviers were the stars of the sky
Blessings and peace be upon Him, the Most Merciful
١١٣. عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما
صِفاتكَ يا خيرَ الخلائق تعظمُ
114. Your traits, O best of creations, are magnificent
Though the praiser exhausts himself however eloquent
١١٤. عنِ المدحِ مهما بالغ المتكلّمُ
وَلَكنّ شَرطي فيك عقدٌ منظّمٌ
115. But my condition with you is a systematic contract
And below it, a contract has been completed
١١٥. وَدونكهُ قد تمّ عقداً منظّما
عَلى ذاتِهِ الرحمنُ صلّى وَسَلّما