
I will not forget the past time that has gone

لست أنسى زمنا قد سلفا

1. I will not forget the past time that has gone
When I lived happily in Mecca

١. لَستُ أَنسى زَمناً قَد سَلفا
فيكِ يا مكّة بالعيشِ الهني

2. As I hastened between Safa and Marwa
And spent time with friends who consoled me

٢. إِذ منَ المَروةِ أَسعى للصفا
وَبذاتِ الخالِ وَجدي عمّني

3. When I would circumambulate it in the morning
Staggering like an intoxicated young man

٣. حينَ أَغدو طائِفاً من حولِها
أَتَهادى مثلَ صبٍّ ثملِ

4. Seeking the acquaintance of its landmarks
As they looked after me under their wraps

٤. أَبتَغي عارِفةً من نولِها
وهيَ تَرعانيَ تحتَ الحللِ

5. And when completing its long circumambulations
Gave me hope of its pleasure

٥. وَمَتى تمّت مَساعي طَولها
بَلَّغتني مِن رِضاها أمَلي

6. It took me into a lofty station
Where all who enter are safe

٦. أَدخَلَتني في مقامٍ شَرُفا
كلُّ مَن يَدخلهُ في مأمنِ

7. It drew me close after long estrangement
Increasing my fervent longing

٧. واصَلتني ولَكم قبلُ هفا
نَحوَها قَلبي وزادَت شَجني

8. It sat me generously in its bosom
After kissing my right hand

٨. أَجلَسَتني كَرماً في حجرها
بعدَ تَقبيلِ فَمي مِنها اليمني

9. It favored me with its utmost kindness
When it invited me into the Sacred House

٩. وَلَقد منّت بِأوفى برّها
إِذ دَعَتني أدخلُ البيتَ الأمين

10. So my tongue falls short in thanking it
And my yearning for it has not ceased

١٠. فَلِساني عاجزٌ عن شُكرها
وَإِليها لم يزل منّي حَنين

11. It brought me close after the long aloofness
And began to glow with a beautiful face

١١. قرّبتني بعدَما طالَ الجفا
وَبَدَت تَزهو بوجهٍ حسنِ

12. So my worries departed and serenity came to me
And my company came and my sorrow turned away

١٢. فَمَضى همّي وَصافاني الصفا
وَأَتى أُنسي وولّى حَزَني

13. I drink intoxication like a blamer
Without sin other than being a drunkard

١٣. أَشربُ الخمرةَ شربَ النهمِ
دونَ إِثمٍ غيرَ سكران ملوم

14. I mean the water of Zamzam
Protected by the Merciful, not the daughter of the vine

١٤. إنّما أَعني سُلافَ زمزم
صانَها الرحمنُ لا بنت الكروم

15. So I see myself like the greatest king
Because of my joy while worries avoid me

١٥. فَأَراني كالمليكِ الأعظمِ
مِن سُروري وتُجافيني الهموم

16. It removed my sickness and was a cure
Increasing my plumpness while a taste and healing

١٦. قَد أَزالَت وهيَ طعمٌ وشفا
سَقَمي عنّي وَزادت سِمَني

17. He who eschewed the world and drank from it once
In his life would not lose out

١٧. مَن رَمى الدُنيا وَمِنها رشفا
مرّةً في عمرهِ لم يُغبَنِ

18. The ritual days were completed for us in Mina
When we throw pebbles dispelling our ego

١٨. وَالمُنى تمّت لدَينا في مِنى
حينَ نَرمي مِن هَوانا الجمَرات

19. And we gathered in joy and ease
At Arafat knowing the standing place

١٩. وَاِجتَمعنا بِسرورٍ وهنا
عندَ جمعٍ وعرَفنا عرَفات

20. That is a day when all that fate reaped
Is erased by the mighty hands

٢٠. ذاكَ يَومٌ كلّ ما الدهرُ جنى
قَد مَحاه بالأيادي الطائلات

21. Yet I remain longing
For the intent of the one whose love has possessed me

٢١. غَيرَ أنّي لَم أزَل مُلتهفا
لِنوى مَن حبُّها تيّمني

22. O lightning of Al-Atheel and Al-Naqaa
And meadows amid the twisting roads

٢٢. حيِّ يا برقُ أثيلاتِ العقيق
وَرُبوعاً في النَقا وَالمُنحنى

23. Send the finest scent of fresh rainwater
Ceaselessly, without us tiring of it

٢٣. وَاِسق سَلعاً وَقُباً خيرَ رحيق
مِن سُلافِ الغيثِ موصول الهنا

24. Ah for that intoxication from which I do not awake
With the Virgin, leaving nothing behind

٢٤. آهِ مَن لي ثمَّ سكرٌ لا أفيق
منهُ بالعذراءِ لا يُبقي عنا

25. So when will I have a standing place in it
That gives delight to the eye as to the ear?

٢٥. فَمَتى فيها أَرى لي مَوقفا
تنعمُ العين به كالأذنِ

26. And when will I be granted intimate access in it?
And see it without my homeland

٢٦. وَمَتى أُمنحُ فيها زلفا
وأَراها دونَ أَرضي وطني

27. By God, it is the hope of my sorrowful heart
Whether near or far are the dwellings

٢٧. هيَ واللَّه مُنى قلبي الحزين
إِن تكُن تقربُ أَو تَنأى الديار

28. Will I, even after some time, have good fortune
To be protected there and settle in security?

٢٨. يا تُرى أَحظى ولَو مِن بعد حين
بحِماها وأَرى فيها القَرار

29. Near the Chosen One, the best neighbor
The elite of elites, the most faithful fulfiller

٢٩. ثاوِياً ثمّة في الحرزِ الأمين
في جوارِ المُصطفى أكرمِ جار

30. The generous son of generous people
Every being has drawn virtue from his spring

٣٠. خيرة الأخيارِ أَوفى مَن وفى
الكريم ابن الكرام المحسنِ

31. Had He granted them even a bit of His sublimity
He would have drowned all in the sea of grace

٣١. كلُّ خَلقٍ مِن نداهُ اِغتَرفا
وَهوَ باللَّه وهم خير الجدود

32. He attained satisfaction from the Bountiful Master
That which the elite did not attain altogether

٣٢. وَجميعُ الرسلِ عيسى والكليم
وَسِواهم وَمَشاهيرُ الوجود

33. He was quenched with an ocean from the Knowing God
If the universe was quenched with a drop, it would be stunned

٣٣. فازَ منهُ الكلُّ بالحظِّ العظيم
وَحَباهم كلّ فضلٍ وسعود

34. Then by night he turned to the Ruined Site
Before the darkness spread Gabriel came to him

٣٤. وَبهِ جبريلُ نالَ الشرَفا
إِذ سرَى نحوَ العلا لا ينثني

35. With the Ascension to the Throne he surpassed
Every servant, had he not existed

٣٥. وَبِخفضِ القدرِ عنهُ اِعترفا
حينَما قالَ لهُ لا تنسَني

36. Whoever knew the truth knew it was for him
And the rest are in clear misguidance

٣٦. شاهدَ اللَّهَ بلا كيفٍ وأين
بِقوىً أعطى له المولى العلي

37. This is but from the act of the Almighty
Who created the entire creation, Mighty and Sublime

٣٧. قَد رآهُ بفؤادٍ وبعين
مِنحةٌ خُصَّ بها في الأزلِ

38. To Him every small and large are equal
In creation as He willed, so He acted

٣٨. قِس بهِ صعقةَ موسى دونَ مين
للتجلّي حينَ دَكِّ الجبلِ

39. To Him the throne is as the small ant
For us, while the matter is loftier and greater

٣٩. تجدِ المُختارَ منه أشرفا
وَأحبَّ الخلق للَّه الغني

40. From all creation He chose His servant
The guide to the best way of life

٤٠. لَو حَباهم مِن عُلاه طرَفا
أغرقَ الكلّ ببحر المننِ

41. Ahmad the Chosen, Ta Ha the loyal
The best messenger entrusted to him

٤١. نالَ قدراً مِن رضى المولى الكريم
جُزء جزءٍ منه ما نال الكرام

42. Among creations he has no equal
All, were it not for him, would not have come to be

٤٢. وَسُقي بَحراً من اللَّه العليم
لَو سُقي القطرةَ منهُ الكونُ هام

43. And whatever the Sublime God gave them
Was an allotment from Him proportional to merit

٤٣. ثمَّ في الليلِ اِنثَنى نحوَ الحطيم
فَأتاهُ قبلَ إسفارِ الظلام

44. He ennobled the noble, generation after generation
Through him descendants and ancestors became sublime

٤٤. بِعروجِ العرشِ فاقَ المُصطفى
كلّ عبدٍ كانَ لو لم يكنِ

45. God granted him that which was kind
From the perception of people of insight

٤٥. عَرفَ الحقَّ لهُ مَن عرَفا
وَسِواهم في ضلالٍ بيّنِ

46. Everyone who has composed poetry or prose
Has failed to uncover his subtle mysteries

٤٦. إنّما ذلكَ مِن فعلِ القدير
مَن برا كلّ الورى عزّ وجل

47. None but God knows his essence
And all creation is equal in ignorance

٤٧. يَستوي كلُّ صغيرٍ وكبير
عندهُ في الخلقِ ما شاءَ فعَل

48. His sublimity surpassed the height of creations
Where is the Pleiades constellation and the ground?

٤٨. فَلديهِ العرشُ كالنملِ الصغير
عِندَنا وَالأمرُ أعلى وأجل

49. His state beautified the universe and its inhabitants
By his pervading light that coursed

٤٩. وَهوَ مِن كلِّ البريّاتِ اِصطَفى
عبدَهُ الهادي لأَسنى سننِ

50. He came while the universe was sick, so he cured
Every believing servant by his guidance

٥٠. أحمدَ المُختار طهَ ذا الوفا
خيرَ مَبعوثٍ له مؤتمنِ

51. He made the deaf hear, when they cried out
Those who passed and those to come in time

٥١. ما لهُ بينَ البَرايا مِن مثيل
كلُّهم لَولاه ما نالوا الوجود

52. He has many clear and obvious miracles
That have no match among creations

٥٢. وَلِما أَعطاهمُ المَولى الجليل
قسمةٌ منهُ على قدرِ الجدود

53. After death his rulings remained
And the enlightened Book until the Resurrection

٥٣. شرَّفَ الأشرافَ جيلاً بعد جيل
وَبهِ الأعقابُ تسمو والجدود

54. All are signs of definite truth
That guided people to the honesty of the bearer of good news

٥٤. خَصَّهُ اللَّه بما قد لطفا
علمهُ عَن دركِ أهل الفطنِ

55. They rendered the predecessors and successors incapable
So the sharp and dull were equal

٥٥. كلُّ مَن نظّم أَو قَد صنّفا
لَم يفُز منه بسرٍّ صيّنِ

56. And guided them except for an obstinate heart
For blindness is in the heart, not in the eyes

٥٦. لَيسَ يَدري كنههُ غير الإله
واِستوى في جهلهِ كلّ الورى

57. An ocean of knowledge that has no coast
His words came explaining it fully

٥٧. وَعَلت فوقَ عُلا الخلقِ علاه
شَرَفاً أينَ الثريّا والثرى

58. And exceeded every erudite scholar
The two have extensive knowledge that goes on

٥٨. زانَتِ الكونَ وأهليهِ حُلاه
وَبِكلّ نورهُ الساري سرى

59. Many a foolish one claims to be reasonable
Not seeing the superiority of the brave Imams

٥٩. جاءَ وَالكونُ مريضٌ فَشفى
بِهُداه كلَّ عبدٍ مؤمنِ

60. Leave him, do not bother with him no matter his defiance
And in speech he claims cleverness and insight

٦٠. وَلقَد أسمعَ لمّا هتَفا
مَن مَضى أَو مَن أتى في الزمنِ

61. He was more fearful for us than an ignorant one
Who attained knowledge of tongues

٦١. كَم لهُ مِن مُعجزاتٍ باهرات
ما لَها بينَ البرايا من نظير

62. So upon him, may Allah send blessings, a compassionate one
Who warned the nation against reasons for misguidance

٦٢. دامَ مِنها حكمهُ بعد الممات
وإِلى الحشرِ الكتابُ المُستنير

63. He left no path in religion or worldly life
To guide us, having a say regarding it

٦٣. كلُّه آيات حقٍّ بيّنات
دلّتِ الناسَ على صدقِ البشير

64. O you who are infatuated, when will you awaken
And see the affliction that you are in?

٦٤. أَعجَزَتهم سَلفاً والخلفا
فاِستَوى الفدمُ وأذكى لسنِ

65. Follow and take the path of the Hanifs
Whoever walked in their approach was not led astray

٦٥. وَهَدَتهم غيرَ قلبٍ أغلفا
وَالعَمى في القلب لا في الأعينِ

66. They were more knowing of God's word
Than others, and the meanings of prophetic practice

٦٦. بحرُ علمٍ ما لهُ من ساحل
جاءَ تَفسيراً له قول الرسول

67. Stop, this is superfluous speech
For those I have conveyed these words to

٦٧. وَأَتى عن كلّ حبرٍ فاضل
لَهُما شرحٌ من العلمِ يَطول

68. The whiteness of words has no influence on them
Do you suppose my blame will deter them?

٦٨. رُبَّ مجنونٍ بدعوى عاقل
لا يَرى فضلَ الأئمّةِ الفحول

69. Leave them and return to praise of the Messenger
The elite of the Merciful from all people

٦٩. دَعهُ لا تحفَل بهِ مَهما جفا
وَغدا في القولِ أذكى فطنِ

70. Persist in praising him devotedly
And take it as your strongest weapon

٧٠. كانَ هادينا عَلينا أخوفا
مِن سَفيهٍ حاز علم اللسَنِ

71. And adorn yourself with it as a sharpened sword
Severing the necks of all tribulations

٧١. فَعَليه اللَّه صلّى من شفيق
حذّر الأمّةَ أسبابَ الضلال

72. He is the sultan of the noble prophets
And from them God took the covenants

٧٢. لَم يَدع في الدينِ وَالدُنيا طريق
لهُدانا ما له فيها مقال

73. So they are his representatives among the people
In them His lofty principles were proclaimed

٧٣. أيُّها المفتونُ كَم لا تستفيق
وَتَرى ما أنتَ فيهِ مِن وبال

74. The ages are but as his servant
How many a servant of his rules over people!

٧٤. اِتّبع واِسلُك سبيلَ الحُنَفا
مَن سَعى في نَهجهم لم يفتنِ

75. Thus has God ennobled him
Among those who professed faith or did not

٧٥. هُم بِقولِ اللَّه كانوا أعرَفا
مِن سِواهم وَمعاني السننِ

76. And pardoned Adam when he erred
And the rest of those with high worth

٧٦. خلِّ هذا فبهِ القولُ فضول
عندَ مَن سُقتُ لهم هذا الكلام

77. And on Resurrection Day the servants will be pleased with him
When the noble prophets are at a loss

٧٧. لَم تؤثِّر فيهمُ بيضُ النقول
أَتُرى يَردَعُهم منّي الملام

78. His Lord will give him whatever he wishes
And the deliverance of all people will be seen

٧٨. خَلِّهم واِرجِع إِلى مدحِ الرَسول
صَفوةِ الرَحمنِ من كلِّ الأنام

79. Then among the nation the generous one will please him
And attain eternity in the loftiest station

٧٩. دُم عَلى المدحِ لهُ مُعتَكفا
وَاِتّخذه لكَ أَقوى جوشنِ

80. He will grant him sublimity that cannot be described
Perplexing minds like tongues falling short

٨٠. وَتَقلّدهُ حُساماً مُرهفا
قاطِعاً أَعناقَ كلِّ المحنِ

81. He will inhabit the Highest Paradise, given lodgings
Under which is the highest abode of the prophets

٨١. هوَ سُلطانُ النبيّينَ الكرام
وَعَليهم أخذَ اللَّه العهود

82. My master, O You who are the refuge
O Beloved of God, O Best Messenger

٨٢. فَهمُ نوّابهُ بينَ الأنام
نُشِرت فيهِم لعلياه البنود

83. Every formidable person in existence
Is under your formidable influence that goes on

٨٣. إنَّما الدهرُ لهُ مثل الغلام
كَم له عبدٌ على الناس يسود

84. I have none but you as protector among creations
And my condition, my master, is despair that goes on

٨٤. هَكذا اللَّه بهِ قَد شرَّفا
خَلقهُ مَن دانَ أو لم يدنِ

85. Come to my rescue, my patience has run out
And the freshness of delight has become like a heap of ashes

٨٥. وَعَفا عن آدمٍ لمّا هفا
وَسِواه مِن ذوي القدرِ السني

86. Time has wronged me, depriving me of pleasures
And denying me the sweetness of intimacy

٨٦. وَبيومِ الحشرِ ترضاه العباد
شافِعاً إِذ يُحجمُ الرسلُ الكرام

87. And how many needs are in my heart
You know them, without being hidden from you

٨٧. رَبُّه يُعطيه فيهِ ما أراد
فَيَرى التفريجَ عَن كلِّ الأنام

88. I seek my guidance in both abodes
From you in worldly life and the Abode of Settlement

٨٨. ثمَّ في الأمَّةِ يُرضيه الجَواد
وَينالُ الخلدُ في أعلى مقام

89. Do not exclude me from any good, my master
Let my family be included, and shelter us as neighbors

٨٩. سَوفَ يُعطيهِ علاً لن توصفا
تعجزُ الأفكارَ عجزَ الألسنِ

90. And allow us the protection of your sanctuary
As a shield from the evil of all tribulations

٩٠. يَسكنُ الفِردوسَ يُعطى غُرفا
تحتَها للرسلِ أعلى موطنِ

91. God suffices as God, and you suffice
As the strongest pillar for those who take shelter

٩١. سيِّدي يا أيُّها المولى الملاذ
يا حبيبَ اللَّه يا خير رسول