
Towards the land of Arabs you have a moment's glance,

لك نحو أرض العرب لحظ

1. Towards the land of Arabs you have a moment's glance,
Does love of tribe Qais or Jurhum entrance?

١. لكَ نحوَ أرضِ العربِ لحظُ
أَهَواكَ قيصومٌ وقرظُ

2. Nay, but then love awoke
For them a chamber in the heart's expanse

٢. كَلّا ولكن ثمّ أح
بابٌ لهُم في القلب حفظُ

3. Mayhap in their nearness
For me is the best of mankind's chance

٣. فَعَسى يكونُ بِقربهم
لي عندَ خير الخلق حظُّ

4. The spirit of existence, Muhammad
Praised, neither coarse nor dense

٤. روحُ الوجودِ محمّد ال
محمودُ لا كظٌّ وفظُّ

5. A nature gentler than the soft fine silk
With it harsh to unbelievers, else intense

٥. طَبعٌ أرقُّ من النسي
مِ بهِ على الكفّار غلظُ

6. Content with what Allah content
And with what else discontented and incensed

٦. راضٍ بِما رضي الإلَ
هُ وَما به لسواه غيظُ

7. Neither is heat hot for him
In his love, nor the sultry heat intense

٧. لا الحَرُّ حَرٌّ عندهُ
في حبّه لا القيظ قيظُ

8. However much the calamities of fate
Bare him, they leave him unblemished thence

٨. مَهما عَراه من أمو
رِ الدهرِ لا يعروه بهظُ

9. He surpassed all speech entirely
In his book, meaning and elegance

٩. فاقَ الكلامَ جميعهُ
لِكتابهِ معنىً ولفظُ

10. And his eloquence encompassed
Stories, judgments and admonishments

١٠. وَقدِ اِستَوى ببيانهِ
قصصٌ وأحكامٌ ووعظُ