
The Chosen One's banners in glory were raised

للمصطفى نصبت في المجد رايات

1. The Chosen One's banners in glory were raised
Under them all creation, alive and dead, were amazed

١. لِلمُصطفى نُصبَت في المجدِ راياتُ
مِن تحتِها الخلقُ أحياءٌ وأمواتُ

2. The spirit of existence, he blessed all utterly
If he disappeared for a moment's glance, they would immediately die

٢. روحُ الوجودِ ممدُّ الخلق قاطبةً
لو زالَ لحظة عينٍ عنهمُ ماتوا

3. Be not surprised by the disbelief of the ignorant ones
It is their souls which are filled with ignorance

٣. لا تعجبنّ لكفّارٍ به جهلوا
أَما بأَرواحهم منهم جهالاتُ

4. The light of existence in all creatures flowed
Its lamp, and for the lamp it is a niche

٤. نورُ الوَرى في جميعِ الكائنات سرى
مِصباحها وهيَ للمصباح مشكاةُ

5. He quenched the thirst of their innate nature entirely
So it diversified according to its capacities fully

٥. سَقى جميعَ البرايا نور فطرتهم
فَنوّعته لدَيها القابليّاتُ

6. No wonder it became fire through rejection
Qualities in things can be transformed and altered completely

٦. لا غروَ أَن صارَ ناراً بالجحودِ فقد
تُغيّر الوصفَ في الشيء اِستحالاتُ

7. His example is water, all vegetation it has quenched
The sweetest and the most bitter it has drenched

٧. مثالهُ الماءُ أنواعَ النباتِ سَقى
الحلوُ منها ومنها الحنظليّاتُ

8. His attributes beyond compare in the Most High
His essence in existence has no equal in purity

٨. صفاتهُ في العلا ما مثلها صفةٌ
وَذاتهُ في الورى ما مثلها ذاتُ

9. For him are the steps to ascend in this life
To which all glories have submitted in strife

٩. لهُ المَعاريجُ في الدنيا لها خضَعت
كلُّ المَعالي وفي الأخرى الشفاعاتُ

10. And in the next life for him the right of intercession
He ascended beyond the Magnificent Throne, most high

١٠. أَبعدَ ما عبرَ العرشَ العظيم علاً
تَفي بوصفِ معاليه العباراتُ

11. Expressions fall short of describing his sublime ascendance
What can I say of him after what was revealed

١١. ماذا أقولُ بهِ مِن بعد ما وَردت
في مدحهِ مِن كلامِ اللَّه آياتُ

12. Of the words of God about him in verses unsealed
And however much our praises rise and swell

١٢. وَكلُّ أمداحِنا مَهما علَت وغلت
فإنّما هيَ أخبارٌ صحيحاتُ

13. They are but true accounts we tell
We relate through them a reality established

١٣. نَحكي بها حالةً من فضلهِ ثَبتت
بِقدرِ ما ساعدت منه العناياتُ

14. By the favor bestowed on him, distinguished
The best description of him is the Servant of God

١٤. وَخيرُ أوصافهِ عبدُ الإله وإن
تمّت لديهِ على الخلق السياداتُ