1. For the virtuous Arabs I hold dear an Arab people I love
My death is not water, nor do I quench my thirst with water
١. لِعربِ النقا أكرِم بهم عَرباً أهوى
وَما مُنيتي ميٌّ ولا أرَبي أروى
2. So many hands they generously bestowed upon me
While they have no faults, nor do we have consolation
٢. فَكَم مِن يدٍ عِندي لهم أنعَموا بها
وَما عندهم منٌّ ولا عندنا سلوى
3. So I loved a people, and loved Taybah
A protected sanctuary, the best of all settlements is the dwelling place of the Chosen One
٣. فَأحبِب بهم قوماً وأحبب بطيبةٍ
حِمىً فيه للمختارِ خير الورى مثوى
4. Muhammad is the most honorable of all people
And the most generous - the lion, the strongest sun
٤. أعزُّ جميعِ العالمين محمّدٌ
وَأكرمُهم شمسُ الهدى ليثهُ الأقوى
5. It rose to be the highest of horizons when he settled in it
And the highest in status and the most beneficial
٥. غَدت أفضلَ الأفلاكِ حين ثوى بها
وَأرفعها قَدراً وأكثرها جدوى
6. Through him the world became superior and the most honorable
And its earth became the most noble and its sky the brightest
٦. بهِ فاقتِ الدنيا وصارَت أعزّها
وَأشرفها أرضاً وأشرقها جوّا
7. Congratulations to a people who lived alongside the best Messenger
And had in its folds a dwelling place near him
٧. هَنيئاً لقومٍ جاوَروا خير مرسلٍ
وَكانَ لهم فيها بأكنافهِ مأوى
8. Oh, would that I knew - which is a greater death wish
When the distance between us in the desert could be folded
٨. أَلا ليتَ شعري وهيَ أعظم منيةٍ
مَتى شُقّة البيداءِ ما بيننا تُطوى
9. I urge my camel so I can see the full moon rising
In it at its ascension, unperturbed by gusts of wind
٩. أَشدُّ رحالي كَي أَرى البدر مشرقاً
بِمطلعهِ فيها وما ضرّه العوّا
10. And the most wondrous thing is that he guided the people
Yet those gusts of wind lost their way in his light
١٠. وَأعجبُ شَيءٍ أنّه قد هدى الورى
وَقد ضلّ في أنواره ذلك الغوّا