1. Oh, how delightful is alighting amidst palm trees,
With shade beneath the arms of the precious stone, shady.
١. أَلا حبّذا بينَ النخيلِ نزولُ
وظلٌّ بأكنافِ العقيق ظليلُ
2. Is it safe for us, good sir, will we reach it one day?
To kiss the ground once trod by the feet of him,
٢. أَمان لنا يا طيبُ عندك يا ترى
إِليها لنا يوماً يكون وصولُ
3. Whose trains were drawn above the sky, so long.
He journeyed by night to the Throne on a steed,
٣. نقبّلُ أرضاً مسّها قدمُ الّذي
لَه سُحِبت فوقَ السماء ذيولُ
4. And after being received, returned at dawn.
The prophet of all prophets is Muhammed,
٤. سَرى راحِلاً للعرشِ في بعض ليلةٍ
وَعادَ لهُ بعدَ القَبول قفولُ
5. Yes, and for all messengers he is the messenger.
Each messenger was sent to a specific people,
٥. نبيُّ جميعِ الأنبياءِ محمّدٌ
نَعَم ولكلّ المرسلين رسولُ
6. Yet his message was for all in its totality.
None among creation can equal Ahmed,
٦. وَكلُّ رسولٍ خصّ قوماً وإنّه
ببعثتِه للعالمين شمولُ
7. Nor will his like exist among those to come.
Degrees of virtue are present in each virtuous soul,
٧. فَما كان بينَ الخلقِ مثلٌ لأحمدٍ
وَليسَ له فيمن يكون مثيلُ
8. Proportionate to the meagre virtue he contains.
The messengers will defer to him on Judgment Day,
٨. وَكلّ صنوفِ الفضلِ في كلِّ فاضلٍ
بِنسبةِ فضلٍ قد حواه قليلُ
9. And none will assume responsibility except the Divine.
He alone will shoulder the burdens of creation,
٩. يحيلُ عليهِ المرسلونَ بحشرهم
وليسَ على غير الإله يحيلُ
10. For the Benevolent - only He is burden-bearing.
١٠. فَيحملُ أثقالَ الخلائقِ وحدهُ
لَدى ربّه إنّ الكريم حمولُ