1. My death will be good, I want no other
With it, beauty for my life has reached its peak
١. مُنيَتي طيبة لا أَبغي سواها
فَبِها الحسنُ لِعمري قد تَناهى
2. How can I forget it and move on from its love
After it has mingled with my soul's passion
٢. كيفَ أَنساها وأَسلو حبّها
بَعدما قَد خالَط الروحَ هواها
3. I won't elaborate, my utmost wish
Is to see it and be under its soil
٣. لا أُطيلُ الشرح أقصى مُنيتي
أَن أَراها وأُرى تحت ثراها
4. If we contemplated its land in truth
We'd see it as brows and lips
٤. لَو تأمّلنا بحقٍّ أَرضها
لَرأيناها جِباهاً وشفاها
5. The world gained glory and years
Through God's beloved, the best of people, Taha
٥. فاقتِ الدنيا سناءً وسناً
بحبيبِ اللَّه خيرِ الخلق طهَ
6. The companion of the Ascension, God's secret in
His creation, highest of humans in rank and status
٦. صاحب المعراجِ سرّ اللَّه في
خلقهِ أعلى الورى قدراً وجاها
7. God granted him the highest position
And lowered all others under him
٧. خَصّه اللَّه بأعلى رتبةٍ
خفضَ الخلقَ جميعاً فعلاها
8. He narrated from his Lord's essence guidance
And saw it without how or how much
٨. قَد رَوى عن ذاتِ مولاهُ الهدى
وَبلا كيفٍ ولا كمّ رآها
9. A journey in which he attained all wishes
And through it the heavens attained their wishes
٩. رِحلةٌ نالَ بها كلّ المنى
وبهِ الأفلاكُ قَد نالت مناها
10. The Power of the Merciful has no limit
The origin of all perfection is its endpoint
١٠. قدرةُ الرحمنِ لا حدّ لها
مُنتهى كلّ كمالٍ مُبتداها