1. From the folds of the immaculate one shone a light
So from my eyes ran liquid ruby tears
١. مِن ثَنايا العذراءِ لاح بريق
فجَرى مِن دموعِ عيني عقيقُ
2. How excellent, how excellent were the treaty grounds of Sulh
And its meadows where dwells the true beloved
٢. حبّذا حبّذا معاهدُ سلعٍ
وَربوعٌ فيها الحبيبُ الحقيقُ
3. Ahmad the ever-praising, Muhammad the trusted prophet
The best of mankind, the truthful and gentle messenger
٣. أَحمدٌ حامدٌ محمّدٌ المح
مودُ خير الورى النبيّ الصدوقُ
4. He brought perfection to the whole world
The best freeman of God, a tender servant
٤. سادَ كلَّ الوَرى بكلّ كمالٍ
خيرُ حرٍّ للَّه عبدٌ رقيقُ
5. None but him does God, Mighty and Glorious be He
For people provide as path and guide
٥. ليسَ للَّه عزّ جلّ تعالى
غيرهُ للأنامِ طرّاً طريقُ
6. Never was any guided to success
Unless he came to him for guidance
٦. لَم يوفَّق موفّقٌ قطّ إلّا
جاءَه مِن طريقه التوفيقُ
7. For his Lord alone rightfully
Belongs obedience, and to each person duties are due
٧. فَعَليه لربّه وحدَه الحق
قُ وكلٌّ له عليهم حقوقُ
8. The worlds were created from his light, so he
Is parent to the righteous among them
٨. خُلقَ العالمونَ مِن نوره فه
وَ ببرِّ الأبناء منهم خليقُ
9. Parent of all in reality, though some
Of his children are to him disobedient
٩. والدُ الكلّ في الحقيقة لكن
بعضُ أبنائهِ لديهم عقوقُ
10. God created His creation, so a group
Is for the gardens, and a group for hellfire
١٠. خَلَق اللَّه خلقه ففريقٌ
لِجنانٍ وللسعيرِ فريقُ