
A book called Proof of God composed

كتاب تسمى حجة الله من وعى

1. A book called Proof of God composed
Its writer with understanding covered its name

١. كتابٌ تسمّى حجّة اللَّه من وعى
مُسمّاه فَهماً يُلفهِ طابَقَ الإسما

2. It came together from the miracles of Muhammad
The prophet of guidance, best of creation in number

٢. أَتى جامِعاً مِن معجزاتِ محمّدٍ
نبيّ الهُدى خيرِ الورى عدداً جمّا

3. Stars on the horizon of religion, how many were guided by them
A seer, and how many led astray never seeing them

٣. نُجومٌ بأفقِ الدين كم ذا اِهتدى بها
بَصيرٌ وكَم أودى ولم يرَها أعمى

4. And the miracle of the Quran like the rising sun
Lasting, traveling, encompassing Arab and non-Arab

٤. وَمُعجزةُ القُرآن كالشمسِ أَشرقت
وَدامَت وَسارت عمّتِ العربَ والعجما

5. It is the greatest proof against every denier
Of the prophethood of best of creation and the greatest sign

٥. هوَ الحجّةُ الكبرى على كلّ جاحدٍ
نبوّة خيرِ الخلقِ والآية العظمى

6. And how many a man impaired by its light
Sees polytheism yet the bat is amazed by darkness

٦. وَربَّ اِمرئٍ من نوره متضرّرٍ
يَرى الشركَ والخفّاشُ تعجبه الظلما

7. By God if not for God judging creation
With justice fulfilling destiny inevitably

٧. وَواللَّه لولا اللَّهُ قاضٍ على الورى
قَضاءً بعدلٍ وافقَ القدر الحتما

8. None with intellect would choose any religion but Ahmad's
But God's ordainment regarding his creation is complete

٨. لما اِختارَ ذو عقلٍ سوى دين أحمدٍ
وَلكن قضاءُ اللَّه في خلقه تمّا