1. Long has been my yearning for the best of the good,
The place of generous and blessed dwellers,
١. طالَ شَوقي لطيبةِ الطيبّاتِ
موطنِ المكرُمات والبركاتِ
2. I wonder, O Sa'd, after my emigration,
Will I see it with my displaced eyes?
٢. ليتَ شِعري يا سعدُ بعدَ نزوحي
هَل أَراها بأعيني النازحاتِ
3. O to settle there! Congratulations, for you have won,
Through it, in your life and death,
٣. يا نُزولاً بِها هنيئاً فقد فز
تُم بِها في حياتِكم والمماتِ
4. From gardens to gardens, so you are
In either case, in gardens,
٤. مِن جنانٍ إلى جنانٍ فأنتم
في كِلا الحالتين في جنّاتِ
5. Blessed is your life in the abode
Of the most generous of people, the master of masters,
٥. حبّذا العيشُ عَيشكم عندَ مثوى
أكرمِ الخلقِ سيّد الساداتِ
6. I praise Muhammad, the chosen one, the praised,
The sun of existence, the guide of guides,
٦. أَحمدَ المُصطفى محمّدٍ المح
مود شمسِ الوجودِ هادي الهداةِ
7. You have lived in his company, in safety
From the vicissitudes of misery and fear of enemies,
٧. عِشتم في جِواره في أمانٍ
مِن صروفِ الردى وخوف العداةِ
8. And through his light, you have entered fortresses
And so were safe from these darknesses,
٨. وَدَخلُتم مِن نوره في حصونٍ
فَسلمتُم مِن هذه الظلماتِ
9. Darknesses which, were it not for the rays of his guidance
Would have covered all directions,
٩. ظُلماتٌ لولا سواطعُ أنوا
رِ هداهُ عمّت جميع الجهاتِ
10. We do not congratulate kings, but we congratulate
You for attaining the best of conditions.
١٠. ما غَبطنا الملوكَ لكن غَبطنا
كُم على نيل أحسن الحالاتِ