
Why linger in this place of sojourn, my friend?

إِلام وحتام هذا المقام

1. Why linger in this place of sojourn, my friend?
Arise, and unfurl the banners of resolve.

١. إِلامَ وحتّام هذا المقام
فَقُم واِرخ لليَعمُلاتِ الزِمام

2. Journey to Madinah, abode of the noble,
Where dwells the Intercessor, best of men,

٢. وَسِر نحوَ طيبةَ دارِ الكرام
فَفيها المُشفّعُ خيرُ الأنام

3. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
To it hasten by clear texts, my mounts!

٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
إِليها بنصٍّ تشدُّ الرِحال

4. There sins, heavy as mountains, melt away.
There hopes, vast as oceans, are fulfilled.

٤. وَفيها تحطُّ الذنوبُ الثِقال
وَمِنها تنالُ الأماني الغَوال

5. The Prophet's guest is honored there, no doubt,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٥. وَضيفُ النبيِّ بِها لا يُضام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

6. Leave behind your misdeeds, freely wander its roads,
Sad hearts journey to it over gentle hills.

٦. فَخلِّ المَطايا لَدَيها تَجول
تَجوبُ إِليها الحزونَ السُهول

7. Naught remains but acceptance and welcome
In the presence of the most generous host,

٧. فَما ثمَّ إلّا الرِضا والقَبول
لَدى أكرمِ الخلقِ راعي الذِمام

8. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
There you will praise the One Who guided you,

٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
هُنالكَ تحمدُ غبَّ السُرى

9. There behold majesty's greatest spectacle.
There witness the best of all creation,

٩. هُناكَ تَرى النيِّر الأكبرا
هُناكَ تشاهدُ خيرَ الورى

10. And through him attain the height of hopes,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

١٠. وَمنهُ تفوزُ بنيلِ المَرام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

11. The greatest means with the Lord is he,
None is equal, no partner, no peer.

١١. أجلُّ الوسائلِ عند المليك
مُحالٌ مع اللَّه ندٌّ شريك

12. If you seek acceptance, he will intercede;
Even if with sins you provoked wrath,

١٢. توسّل بهِ للرِضا يَرتضيك
وَلَو كنتَ أسخطتهُ بالأثام

13. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
Prophet of guidance, quintessence of messengers,

١٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
نبيُّ الهُدى نخبةُ المُرسلين

14. Eradicator of enemies, mercy to the worlds,
Trustworthy messenger of God Most High,

١٤. مبيدُ العِدا رحمةُ العالمين
رَسولُ الإلهِ المُطاعُ الأمين

15. Epitome of the seeds of Shem and Ham,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

١٥. خُلاصةُ أولادِ سامٍ وحام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

16. From every noble origin he branched forth,
Quintessence of generation after generation.

١٦. تفرّعَ عَن كلّ أصلٍ أصيل
وَكانَ خُلاصةَ جيلٍ فجيل

17. None resembles him, nor can compare,
Above him only the Lord of men,

١٧. فَليسَ لهُ شبهٌ أَو مثيل
وَما فوقهُ غيرُ ربِّ الأنام

18. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
The Most High invited him to His proximity,

١٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
دَعاهُ تَعالى لِأسنى تلاق

19. Sending Gabriel and Al-Buraq to accompany.
Longing intensely to behold him,

١٩. وَأَرسلَ جِبريلهُ وَالبُراق
فَشاهدهُ بأجلِّ اِشتياق

20. He said to him, "Mount and ride the steed!"
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٢٠. فَقالَ له اِركَب وأَرخِ الزِمام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

21. Atop it he rode to Jerusalem sublime,
Praying there with the prophets of yore.

٢١. فَسارَ عليهِ إِلى إيليا
فَصلّى هنالكَ بِالأنبياء

22. From there ascended above the highest heaven,
To a limit beyond limits, none can conceive,

٢٢. وَمِنها إِلى فوقِ أعلى سما
وَمِنها إلى غايةٍ لا ترام

23. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
Passing Sidrat al-Muntaha, the Lote-Tree,

٢٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
وَجازَ عَلى سِدرة المُنتهى

24. Thereat even Gabriel could proceed no more.
Plunged in Light until the Divine was perceived,

٢٤. وَعَن سيرهِ جبرئيلُ اِنتهى
وَزجّوه في النورِ حتّى اِنتهى

25. Gifted with speech from his Lord after silence,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٢٥. إِلى رؤيةِ الحقِّ بعدَ الكلام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

26. Victorious then with the ordaining of prayer,
Bestowed the finest words of glorification.

٢٦. وَقَد فازَ ثمَّ بفرضِ الصلاة
وَحازَ مِن اللَّه خيرَ الصلات

27. Attained the Qiblah from all directions,
For the Munificent changes not sacred rites,

٢٧. وَنالَ القِرى مِن جميعِ الجِهات
وَلا بدعَ والمكرمُ ربّ الكرام

28. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
Through him the highest realm was ennobled,

٢٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
بهِ عالمُ العلوِ قد شُرّفوا

29. Adam hailed him, all welcomed the tidings.
Idris, Harun, Joseph, Moses and Jesus,

٢٩. وَآدمُ أَهلاً به يهتفُ
وَإدريسُ هارونُهم يوسفُ

30. And Ibrahim, John, Hud, and Muhammad,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٣٠. وَموسى وَعيسى ويحيى اِبرَهام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

31. The night of ascension increased his glory,
Uplifting his worth to the highest zenith.

٣١. وَقَد أَتى مثواهُ في ليلَته
هُبوطهُ قَد زادَ في رِفعَته

32. Achieving what he achieved in the journey,
Sweet then was the return to his station,

٣٢. وَنالَ ما قَد نالَ في سَفرته
وَطابَ لهُ بعدَ ذاك المُقام

33. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
A month later came his supporter, Victory,

٣٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
وَمِن بعدِ شهرٍ أتى نصرهُ

34. Fearsome when the remembrance of him arrived.
Wars by which his esteem became greatest,

٣٤. برعبٍ مَتى جاءَهم ذكرهُ
حُروبٌ بِها قَد علا قدرهُ

35. Without fighting, without wounding bodies,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٣٥. بِدونِ قتالٍ ودون قَتام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

36. Made licit spoils of war which had been forbidden,
While for othersremaining proscribed.

٣٦. وَحلَّ لهُ بالوَغا المغنمُ
وَكانَ على غيرهِ يحرمُ

37. My Lord never ceased to honor him,
Permitting the allowed, forbidding the banned,

٣٧. وَما زالَ ربّي له يكرمُ
بحلِّ حلالٍ وحظرِ حَرام

38. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
Gracious he was with the best of men,

٣٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
وَأَكرمهُ بخيارِ الرِجال

39. Best of women, best of the devout.
All were people of the finest traits,

٣٩. وَخيرِ النساءِ وخيرِ المَوال
فَكلّهمُ أهلُ خيرِ الخِصال

40. Nobles, each of his nation prideful,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٤٠. وَكلٌّ لَدى قومهِ في السَنام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

41. His companions ever increased in number,
God opened the door of struggle now wide.

٤١. وَما زالَ أصحابهُ في اِزدياد
وَقَد فتحَ اللّهُ بابَ الجِهاد

42. Misguidance fell, guidance became manifest.
Light grew as darkness began to recede,

٤٢. وَذلَّ الضلالُ وعزّ الرشاد
وَزادَ الضيا حينَ نقصِ الظلام

43. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
Most honored among them Abu Bakr the Great,

٤٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
وَأكرِم بِصدّيقهِ الأكبرِ

44. Uthman, Conqueror known to all lands,
Ali - Father of the Two Grandsons, the Chosen,

٤٤. وَعُثمان والفاتحِ الأشهرِ
عليٌّ أبو الحسنينِ السَري

45. His noble brother, all among the elect,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٤٥. أَخوهُ الكريمُ وكلٌّ كرام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

46. All his companions shone like brilliant stars,
Guiding some, pelted by others with stones.

٤٦. وكلُّ صَحابتهِ كالنجوم
لِقَومٍ هدىً ولقَومٍ رُجوم

47. Through them his religion remains in the wilds,
Supported by them since first he stood forth,

٤٧. بِهِم دينهُ في البرايا يَدوم
وَقام بِهم غالباً منذُ قام

48. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
Shielding him with their souls and children,

٤٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
فَدوهُ بِأرواحِهم والبَنين

49. Sturdy fortress, stronghold for his mission.
None but the just, sincere beyond doubt,

٤٩. وَكانوا لهُ خيرَ حصنٍ حصين
وَما مِنهمُ غيرُ عدلٍ أمين

50. By the Trustworthy's nobility their honor soared,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٥٠. بِطهَ لهُم شرفٌ لا يرام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

51. Coming and going with them into battle,
Loyal as shadows cleave to their forms.

٥١. يَروحُ ويَغدو بهِم للقتال
وَقَد لازَموه لزومَ الظلال

52. Obedient, no dissension, clamor or strife,
Beside him only harmony appears,

٥٢. مُطيعينَ لا صَخبٌ لا جدال
لديهِ يُرى منهمُ لا خصام

53. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
Who then like them has graced the two realms,

٥٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
فَمَن مِثلُهم جاءَ في العالمين

54. Other than prophets, other than messengers?
They conveyed to mankind the trusted envoy's call,

٥٤. سِوى الأنبياءِ سِوى المرسلين
لَقَد بلّغوا الناسَ شرعَ الأمين

55. Supported him with the strength of swords drawn,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٥٥. وقَد أيّدوه بحدِّ الحسام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

56. Say to his foes treading misguidance's path:
"To the Fire away! Such is your way."

٥٦. فَقولوا لِمُبغضهم يا غبي
إِلى النارِ فاِذهَب بذا المذهبِ

57. Know you not in opposing him you battle the Prophet?
By rejecting them you have no blessing, no peace,

٥٧. أَلَم تدرِ أنّك حربُ النبي
بِرفضهمُ لا عليكَ السلام

58. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
His qualities are like gentle morning breeze,

٥٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
شَمائلهُ ما نسيمُ الصبا

59. Gentler than it, like meadow's blossoms sweet.
Garment of praise cloaked him since early youth,

٥٩. بِألطفَ مِنها وزهرُ الربا
كَساهُ المحامدَ منذُ الصبا

60. Stripping him of any garment of blame,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٦٠. وعرّاهُ مِن عارِ كلّ المذام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

61. Joseph possessed half of worldly beauty,
But the Trustworthy was clothed in perfection.

٦١. لِيوسُفَ قَد كانَ شطرُ الجمال
وَطهَ حَواهُ بوجهِ الكَمال

62. None in existence for him is a likeness,
Most especially with the veil lifted,

٦٢. فَليسَ لهُ في البرايا مِثال
وَلا سيّما عندَ كشفِ اللِثام

63. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
Radiance is his holy, luminous face,

٦٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
مُحيّاه نورٌ وعينُ الضياء

64. Through him the universe gleamed, heavens and earth.
Embodying all splendor and brilliance,

٦٤. بهِ الكونُ أشرقَ أرضٌ سماء
تَجمّعَ فيهِ جميعُ البهاء

65. Neither sun nor moon can match that full moon,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٦٥. فَما الشمسُ ما البدرُ بدر التمام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

66. His heart contained knowledge, the cosmic sciences,
Compared to it, a droplet cannot be seen.

٦٦. حَوى صدرهُ العلمَ علمَ الورى
بِنسبتهِ نُقطةٌ لا تُرى

67. So leave oceans be, set aside clouds,
What are oceans and clouds to the sun?

٦٧. فَخلِّ غَماماً ودَع أبحرا
فَأينَ البحارُ وأينَ الغمام

68. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
Singled out for excellent eloquence,

٦٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
تَميّزَ فَرداً بحسنِ البيان

69. None equal his words or their import.
Most eloquent of people in his time,

٦٩. فَلا مثلَ ألفاظهِ والمَعان
لَقَد كانَ أفصحَ أهلِ الزمان

70. Given the essence of the best speech,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٧٠. وأُعطي جَوامعَ خيرِ الكلام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

Excellent was his sublime moral character,

٧١. وَكانَ عَلى خيرِ خُلقٍ عَظيم
بِذلكَ أَثنى عليهِ العليم

72. As the Knower of the unseen extolled.
Glorified God swore in epochs primeval,

٧٢. وَأقسمَ سُبحانهُ في القديم
بِعمرٍ لهُ وهو أعلى اِحتِرام

73. By a life for him at the peak of honor,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٧٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
فَكَم جاهلٍ قَد أساءَ الأدَب

74. Many an ignorant Bedouin insulted
The Chosen One grossly, those graceless Arabs.

٧٤. عَلى المُصطفى مِن جُفاةِ العَرب
فَأَكرمَ مثواهُ حتّى اِقترب

75. Yet he met them with utmost nobility,
Departing having suffered no slight,

٧٥. وَراحَ وَلَم يلقَ أَدنى مَلام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

76. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
Generous, had the oceans entire,

٧٦. جَوادٌ لوَ اِنّ جميعَ البحار
وَكلّ سَحابٍ بكلِّ دِيار

77. And clouds, as many as drops arrived,
Numbering motes strewn cross the horizons,

٧٧. عَلى عددِ القطرِ مِنها نضار
أَتاهُ لأعطاهُ قبلَ المَنام

78. Sought him out ere sleep to grant all,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٧٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
فَلَو كانَ مُلكَ أبي القاسمِ

79. If possessions of Abbas's grandson,
Were joined with Hatim and all men so titled,

٧٩. عطاءُ اِبن مامةَ مع حاتمِ
وَكلّ كَريمٍ بذا العالم

80. And every generous soul in the world,
They'd give him their all, fearing any blame,

٨٠. لأعطاهُ شَخصاً وخافَ الملام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

81. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
His valor defies all description,

٨١. شَجاعَتهُ لا يفيها المَقال
وَدركُ الحَقيقةِ مِنها مُحال

82. Grasping the reality remains impossible.
Contemplate Ohud and mounted dappled steed,

٨٢. تأمَّل حُنيناً وركبَ البِغال
وَإِقبالَه والوغا في ضِرام

83. Unperturbed, reins held midst the fray,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٨٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
وَقَد هربَ الصحبُ إِذ أعجبوا

84. The companions fled, seized by panic,
Never before had they turned in retreat.

٨٤. وَمِن قبلِها قطّ لم يَهربوا
فَناداهمُ عمّهُ الأنجبُ

85. His uncle, the most noble, called them back,
Hastily they returned like startled ostriches,

٨٥. فَعادوا سِراعاً لهُ كالنعام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

86. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
Plunging into the struggle's swelling seas,

٨٦. فَخاضوا غِمارَ الوَغى في بحار
وَقَد غَسلوا العارَ عارَ الفرار

87. Washing away the shame of fleeing there.
With thrusts of spears and striking of swords,

٨٧. بِزرقِ القَنا وببيضِ الشِفار
وَكانَ إماماً لهُم في الأمام

88. Their leader in the thrust he led them on,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٨٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
فَصارَت هوازنُ أَشقى العِدا

89. Hawazin became the most wretched of foes,
Slain and captured, Time's turning left them ruined.

٨٩. بِقتلٍ وأسرٍ سَقوها الرَدى
وَساقوا السَبايا وعزَّ الفدا

90. Driving captives and honored spoils of war,
They cried out for peace, and peace he called,

٩٠. فَنادوا سَلاماً فنادى سلام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

91. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
With a noble pardon from the gracious Master,

٩١. عَفا عنهمُ عفوَ مولىً كريم
بِذكراهُ عهدَ الرضاعِ القديم

92. Recalling the ancient bond of suckling.
Sister of his said, "O intimate friend,

٩٢. وَقالَت له أختهُ يا حميم
تَذكَّر فِعالكَ قبلَ الفِطام

93. Remember your actions before weaning,"
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٩٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
فَقالَ لَها أَبشري بالنوال

94. He said to her, "Rejoice at fortune's gift!"
Seating her where glory was manifest.

٩٤. وأَجلَسَها حيثُ عزّ المنال
وَخيّرَها فَصَبت لِلأهال

95. Giving her the choice, she opted for kin,
He prepared her well, she parted unharmed,

٩٥. وجهّزَها فاِنثَنت لا تُضام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

96. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
For him soft sand turns to smooth glass,

٩٦. لأقدامهِ الرملُ صخرٌ صقيل
وَصمُّ الصُخورِ كرملٍ مَهيل

97. Deaf rocks become fine scattered grains.
Gracious God endowed him with knowledge of the unseen,

٩٧. علومَ الغيوبِ حباهُ الجَليل
وَكلّ الكمالِ وخير الكلام

98. And all perfection and best speech,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

٩٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
فَأَكرِم بخيرِ رسولٍ كريم

99. Most Gracious with the best of messengers,
Tenderly merciful, kindly to believers,

٩٩. وَبِالمُؤمنين رؤوفٌ رحيم
عَلى أَنّه ربُّ خُلقٍ عظيم

100. Since He is Lord of most gentle character,
Interceding for all on the Day of Crowding,

١٠٠. فَيشفعُ لِلكلِّ يوم الزحام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

101. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
That Day is one of painful punishment,

١٠١. هوَ اليومُ يومُ العذابِ الأليم
يفرُّ الحميمُ بهِ مِن حميم

102. Intimate from intimate will flee.
All wish to withdraw, even into Hell,

١٠٢. يودُّ اِنصِرافاً ولَو لِلجحيم
بهِ الخلقُ قبل حميدِ المَقام

103. Through him the created will rise for Judgment,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

١٠٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
فَيَأتونَ والدَهم آدما

104. They will come to Adam, and to Noah,
To Abraham, and will come to Moses and Jesus.

١٠٤. وَنوحاً ويأتونَ إبراهَما
وَموسى وعيسى فَكلٌّ رمى

105. All will point to another, then the best of mankind,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

١٠٥. عَليه غيرهِ ثمَّ خيرَ الأنام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

106. He will answer all with a single call,
Bowing before his Lord, prostrating.

١٠٦. يُجيبُ نِداءَهمُ واحدا
يَخرُّ إِلى ربِّه ساجِدا

107. Thanking and praising the Glorious Sovereign,
With praises resembling his lofty station,

١٠٧. يكونُ لهُ شاكراً حامداً
محامدَ فَتحٍ تُحاكي المقام

108. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
From God he will hear, "Rise and intercede! Ask what you wish! Hear and grant!

١٠٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
يُنادي مِنَ اللَّه قُم واِرفعِ

109. Intercede for Our creation! Grant their requests!"
He will then intercede for all humanity,

١٠٩. وَسَل ما تريدُ وقل يسمعِ
نُشفّعكَ في خلقِنا فاِشفعِ

110. That resolute mountain, refuge for mankind,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

١١٠. فَيشفعُ في الكلِّ ذاك الهمام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

111. There will manifest the beloved's merit,
Both distant and near will behold him.

١١١. هنالكَ يظهرُ فضلُ الحبيب
يَراهُ البعيدُ يراهُ القريب

112. Those who rejected will then regret,
Saying, "Would that he were my leader!"

١١٢. فَيندمُ إِذ ذاكَ غيرُ المجيب
يقولُ يا ليتهُ لي إِمام

113. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
God honored him with the heavenly spring,

١١٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
وَقَد خصّه اللَّه بالكوثرِ

114. Most sublime of wishes, finest of rivers,
Poured forth into a vast basin for him,

١١٤. أَجلّ المُنى أفضلِ الأنهرِ
يَصبُّ بِحوضٍ لهُ أكبرِ

115. As numerous as stars, holding fine wine,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

١١٥. عديدُ النجومِ لهُ خير جام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

116. Like preserved musk is its fragrance,
More joyful and sweeter than sugar,

١١٦. كَمِسك شَذا مائه أذفر
وَأَذكى وأَحلى من السكّرِ

117. All will drink save those who reject the path,
Forbidden to those who drank from its streams,

١١٧. سَيَسقيهِ كلّاً سِوى المنكرِ
مُحالٌ على شارِبيه الأوام

118. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
My God, for the sake of the Chosen One,

١١٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
إِلَهي بجاهِ أَبي القاسمِ

119. The guiding Prophet, the elect of creation,
Your beloved, best of children of Adam,

١١٩. نبيِّ الهُدى صفوة العالمِ
حَبيبكَ خيرِ بني آدمِ

120. And master of those you greeted with peace,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

١٢٠. وَسيّدِ مَن سدتهُ يا سلام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

121. Instill in me Your good pleasure with him,
Make him beloved to me, facilitate through him my hopes,

١٢١. أَنِلني رِضاكَ وحبّبه بي
وَسهّل إِلهي بهِ مَطلبي

122. And make him intercede for me and my parents,
And my people and companions, souls unjustly blamed,

١٢٢. وَشفّعه فيَّ وأمّي أبي
وَقَومي وصَحبيَ أهلَ الذمام

123. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.
From his pool grant us to drink, O God,

١٢٣. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام
وَمِن حوضهِ يا إِلهي اِسقنا

124. Save us from distance from it, make us not thirst.
Shelter us beneath his standard, God willing,

١٢٤. وَبالبعدِ عنهُ فَلا تُشقِنا
وَتحتَ لِواءٍ له رقّنا

125. To the highest gardens of the Abode of Peace,
Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

١٢٥. لأعلى فَراديسِ دارِ السلام
عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام

126. With Your grace, make beautiful our states,
Grant us the good we hope from Your bounty.

١٢٦. وَحسّن بِفضلكَ أَحوالنا
وَبلّغ منَ الخيرِ آمالنا

127. Gift us with death in devotion to You,
Upon the creed of the Trustworthy, with blessed end,

١٢٧. وَأَنعِم بِختمكَ آجالنا
عَلى دينِ طهَ بحسن الختام

128. Upon him be Allah's blessings and peace.

١٢٨. عَليهِ الصَلاةُ عليهِ السَلام