
O my heart, why do you seek refuge in fright?

يا قَلبُ

1. O my heart, why do you seek refuge in fright?
Is it from youth or from tearful sorrow?!

١. يـَا قَـْلـبُ مَـالَـكَ تَسْتَكِينُ لِمَفزَعِ؟
أَمِنَ الصَّبَابَةِ أَمْ سَخِينِ الأَدْمُعِ؟!

2. No young man gained respite from his misery
Until he fell into stumbling and cracking.

٢. مَـا نَالَ صَـبٌّ مِـنْ شَقَائِهِ فُسْحَـةً
حَتَّى غَشَى فيِ عَــثْـرةٍ وَتَـصَـدُّعِ

3. The neighing of sorrow in this enclosure faded;
How many noble horses have snapped from the spring!

٣. أَخَفَتْ صَهِيلَ الحُزْنِ فِي هَذَا الحَشَا
كَمْ رَقَّ بِالخَيْلِ الأَصِيلُ المَنْبَعِ

4. And if your beloved turns away from you once,
Then be gentle with him and let intimacy intercede.

٤. وَإِذَا جَفَاكَ حَـبِيــبُ نَفْسِكَ مَــرَّةً
فَارْفَقْ بِهِ وَدَعِ الهَوَادَةَ تَشْفَعِ

5. My hopes were nonsense upon nonsense, a perception
From one hostile under the influence of passion.

٥. عَبـَثٌ عَـلَى عَبـَثٍ رَجَـائِـيَ فِطْنَـةٌ
مِنْ مُدْنَفٍ بِيَدِ الهَوَى مُتَوَلِّعِ

6. Is there a way for me out of the districts of passion?
Departure has drawn near and I have not attained my goal.

٦. هَلْ لِي سَبِيلٌ مِنْ سُوَيْعَاتِ الهَوَى
أَزِفَ الرَّحِيلُ وَمَا ظَفِرْتُ بمَطْمَعِي

7. Can the heart of one sick from intimacy
Be equal to the heart of a friend sitting comfortably?

٧. هَلْ يَسْتَوِي قَلْبُ السَّقِيمِ مِنَ النَّوَى
بِفُؤَادِ خِلٍّ فِي اللِّقَا مُتَرَبِّعِ

8. A thirsty one whose life the thirst has uncovered
Or a hungry one, how can he be sated by meeting you?

٨. مِنْ ظَامِئٍ أَفْرَى مُحَيَّاهُ الظَّمَا
أَوْ جَائِعٍ لِلِقَاكَ أَنَّى يَكْرَعِ

9. Sleep in a heart noisy from the injustice of passion,
Shattered by the hand of fate, ripped apart.

٩. نَمْ فِي فُؤَادٍ ضَجَّ مِنْ ظُلَمِ الهَوَى
مُتَمَزِّقٍ بِيَدِ القَضَا مُتَقَطِّعِ

10. 2/6/2020

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