
Let Ibn Kalthoum weep for his time has come

ليبك ابن كلثوم فقد حان يومه

1. Let Ibn Kalthoum weep for his time has come
The orphans and guests and all are left to wander

١. لِيَبكِ ابنَ كُلثُومٍ فَقَد حانَ يَومُهُ
يَتامى وَأَضيافٌ وَكُلٌّ مُضَيَّعُ

2. And a living tribe, when they reach their abodes
With graying beards, downtrodden and covered

٢. وَحيٌّ إِذا ما أَصبَحوا في دِيارِهم
بِشَهباءَ فيها حاسِرٌ وَمُقَنَّعُ

3. Whenever he met them, he barred their way
His awe and fear cracked their gathering asunder

٣. وَكانَ إِذا لاقاهُمُ صَدَّ جَمعَهُم
مَهابَتُه وَخَوفُهُ فَتَصَدَّعُوا

4. By my life, so much has been lost
And of allies, you shielded what now lies surrendered

٤. لَعمري لَقَد ضاعَت أُمورٌ كَثيرَةٌ
وَذَلَّ مِن الأَوداهِ ما كُنتَ تَمنَعُ