1. I have witnessed horses carrying my burdens
A magnificent creature commanded by the swimmer's whip
١. وَلَقَد شَهدتُ الخَيلَ تَحملُ شكتي
عَتَدٌ أُمِر مِن السَّوابِحِ هَيكَلُ
2. Yet when I face its rear it appears clumsy
Its neighing startles as it approaches
٢. أَما إِذا اِستَدبَرتُهُ فَمُلَزَّزٌ
وَيزيفه تَصدِيرُهُ إِذ يُقبِلُ
3. As if it would plunge with me whenever
I spur it on, galloping headlong
٣. وَكَأَنَّما تَهوي بِبَزّي كُلَّما
حَرَّكتُهُ فَهَوى حَثِيثا أَجدَلُ
4. I have left the spear behind on battle days
My weapons bloodied from the fray
٤. وَلَقَد تَرَكتُ القِرنَ في يَومِ الوَغى
وَالنَّحرُ مِنهُ بِالدِّماءِ مُرَمَّلُ
5. And when called to fight, I am the first
Among my people to respond and descend
٥. وَإِذا دُعِيتُ إِلى النِّزالِ فَإِنَّنِي
في القَومِ أَولُ مَن يُجِيبُ وَيَنزِلُ