
O sister of a spy, hide and depart from us

أخت جساسٍ تواري وارحلي

1. O sister of a spy, hide and depart from us
Leave our abode today then move on

١. أختَ جَسّاسٍ تَوارَيْ وَاِرحَلي
عَن فِنانا اليَومَ ثُمَّ اِنتَقِلي

2. You have tempted and seduced us
You will see flames of fire from us

٢. أَنتِ أَلقَيتِ وَأَغرَيتِ بِنا
سَتَرَيْ مِنّا ضِرامَ الشُّعُلِ

3. Yesterday you were flirting with my brother
And promising him what has not been done

٣. كُنتِ بِالأَمسِ تَغُرِّينَ أَخي
وَتُمَنِّيهِ بِما لَم يَفعَلِ

4. You used to say my brother, your brother-in-law is unmatched
Among all I see in gatherings

٤. وَتَقولينَ أَخي صِهرُكَ ما
مِثلُهُ مِمَّن أَرى بِالمِعبَلِ

5. They have no known argument
If they saw the truth it would become a sickle to me

٥. ما لَهُم مِن حُجَّةٍ مَعروفَةٍ
لَو رَأوا حَقّا لَأَضحى مُنجَلِي

6. O Kulaib, you were arrogant but a spy succeeded
In killing the hero

٦. يا كُلَيبٌ كُنتَ جاهِي وَلَقَد
جارَ جَسّاسٌ بِقَتلِ البَطَلِ

7. He came upon him unawares
And stabbed him mortally

٧. فَأَتاهُ وَهوَ عَنهُ غافِل
وَحَباه طَعنَةً في المَقتَلِ

8. So he tested me and covered me in wounds
My suffering and pain have passed their limit

٨. فَاِبتَلاني وَدَهاني بشجا
قَد مَضى لي وَشَجا لي مُعتَلِي

9. Congratulate me my brothers, then mourn
A lion who was pride of gatherings

٩. أَسعِدوني إِخوَتي ثُمَّ اِندُبوا
أَسَداً كانَ فخارَ المَحفَلِ

10. He warded off glory and zeal in battle
Preventing peers in the midst of conflict

١٠. طَودَ عِزٍّ وَهُماماً في الوَغى
يَمنَعُ الأَقرانَ وَسطَ القَسطَلِ

11. He was never weak nor wavering
When the eggs fell in the ostrich nest

١١. لَم يَكُن نِكساً وَلا ذا مَيلٍ
عِندَ وَقعِ البِيضِ بِالمُنتَعَلِ

12. Mourn a fierce, bloody lion
Who scans the ground for victims from the heights

١٢. اندُبوا لَيثاً عَفِيراً بِالدِّما
يَفحَصُ الأَرضَ صَريعاً مِن عَلِ

13. Congratulate me, do not blame me for crying
For there is a fire burning in my guts

١٣. أَسعِدوني لا تَلُوموني في البُكا
إِنَّ في الأَحشاء ناراً تَصطَلي

14. Oh slain one, whose murder has forced me to drink
The bitterness of wormwood at his loss

١٤. يا قَتِيلاً قَتلُهُ جَرَّعَني
عِندَ فَقديهِ نَقعَ الحَنظَلِ

15. I am in the midst of a raging sea
Rising and falling in turn

١٥. صِرتُ في لُجَّةِ بَحرٍ زاخِرٍ
صاعِداً طَوراً وَطَوراً يَنزِلُ

16. Would that I had not lived a day after him
Would that my death had drawn near

١٦. لَيتَني ما عِشتُ يَوماً بَعدَهُ
لَيتَني قَرَّبَ مَوتي أَجلي

17. After him, rob me of my sanity and soul
For my anxieties after him do not settle

١٧. اسلُبوا عَقلي وَرُوحي بَعدَهُ
فَهُمومي بَعدَهُ لا تَنجَلي

18. No life has joy when a hero has gone
Would that my soul had left my body

١٨. لا صَفا عَيشٌ وَقَد غابَ فَتىً
لَيتَ نَفسي خَرَجَت مِن هَيكَلي

19. Who will convey to me protection after him
Who will convey to me the noble one

١٩. مَن يُبَلِّغنِي الحِمى مِن بَعدِهِ
مَن يُبَلِّغنِي رَفِيعَ المَنزِلِ

20. A hero, audacious when he appeared
Beneath him the blond turned like dates

٢٠. بَطَلٌ ضِرغامَةٌ حينَ بَدا
تَحتَهُ الأَشقَرُ مِثلَ التَّنَفُلِ

21. Horses flee in dread of him
A hero like the impenetrable Hizabir

٢١. مَن تَفِرُّ الخَيلُ في الرَّوعِ لَهُ
بَطَلٌ مِثل هِزَبرٍ مُشبِلِ

22. O clan of Taghlib, do not delay
And seek vengeance for the slain king

٢٢. يا بَني تَغلِبَ لا تَتأَخَّروا
وَاِطلُبوا ثَأرَ مَلِيكِ الجَحفَلِ

23. I am a slain woman seeking retaliation
Perhaps time will bring me justice

٢٣. إِنَّني قاتِلَةٌ مَقتُولَةٌ
فَعَسى الأَيامُ أَن تُعقِبَ لي

24. Bakr has fled and abandoned his abode
Scattered like frightened ostriches

٢٤. هَرَبَت بَكرٌ وَخَلَّت دارَها
شَرَدَت مِثلَ نَعامٍ جُفَّلِ

25. O sons of Bakr, come and roll up your sleeves
For tomorrow we will annihilate you with swords

٢٥. يا بَني بَكرٍ هَلُمُّوا شَمِّرُوا
سَوفَ نَفنيكُم غَداً بِالمُنصُلِ

26. With men unlike any among you
From the clan of Taghlib in the valley

٢٦. بِرِجالٍ لَيسَ فيكُم مِثلُهُم
مِن بَني تَغلِبَ تَحتَ القَسطَلِ

27. For we have endured what, had some of it
Been placed on our camels, they could not have carried it

٢٧. فَلَقَد حُمِّلنا ما لَو بَعضُهُ
حُمِّلَت أَجمالُنا لَم تُحمِلِ

28. O sons of Bakr, enough of your deeds
Do not blame us if we do not act ignorant

٢٨. يا بَني بَكرٍ كَفاكُم فِعلُكُم
لا تَلومونا إِذا لَم نَجهَلِ

29. If you all were killed to the last man
You would not all be equal to one of ours

٢٩. لَو قُتِلتُم كُلُّكُم قاطِبَةً
لَم تَكُونوا كُلُّكُم في مَعدِلِ